Short-billed Dowitcher
Limnodromus griseus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) (0, 4)
Photo © Phil Woollen - Lodmoor, Dorset, 5 September 2012
Nearctic. Polytypic.
The first individual, with a missing tertial on the left wing, relocated southwards to Cleveland. All immatures.
1.0). 1999 North-east Scotland Rosehearty, juvenile, 11th to 24th September, photo; also in Cleveland.
(D. Pullan, Birding World 12 (9): 364-370, photos; Birding World 12 (12): 494, photo; D. Pullan, Birding Scotland 2 (4): 157-161, plates 86-88; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 94: 472, plate 260; BOURC (2002), Ibis 144: 181-184; D. Pullan, British Birds 99: 354-360, plates 173-175; Birding Scotland 5 (1): plate 15; Forrester & Andrews et al., 2007: photo).
1.1). 1999 Cleveland/Co. Durham/Yorkshire Greenabella Marsh and Greatham Creek area, juvenile, 29th September to 30th October, photo; same as North-east Scotland.
(Birding World 12 (10): 385, photo; British Birds 93: plates 270 & 271; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 94: 472; B. Beck, Cleveland Bird Report 1999: 67-68, photo; Yorkshire Rare and Scarce Birds Report 1998-99: photo; Birding World 12: 353, 392; BOURC (2002), Ibis 144: 181-184; Blick, 2009: 211, photo; Bowey & Newsome, 2012: photo; Birding World 25 (9): 374, plate 8).
2). 2012 Dorset Lodmoor RSPB, juvenile, 3rd September to 6th October, photo.
(D. Croxson, Birding World 25 (9): 372-378, plates 1-3, 9 & 10; British Birds 105: plate 398; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 106: 597, plate 345).
3). 2012 Isles of Scilly Gleaner beach, Tresco, juvenile, 9th to 21st September, photo.
(Birding World 25 (9): 374, plates 4 & 5; British Birds 105: plate 399; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 106: 597).
4). 2013 Orkney North Ronaldsay, first-winter, 17th November to 10th January 2014, photo.
(N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 107: 602; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 108: 589).