Hudsonian Godwit
Limosa haemastica (Linnaeus, 1758) (0, 5)
Photo © J-L Irvine - Grutness, Shetland, 31st July 2023
Western Alaska to central Canada. Monotypic.
The record during 2020 blocked many people from viewing this species due to the Covid restriction .
1.0). 1981 Yorkshire Blacktoft Sands RSPB, adult, 10th September to 3rd October; also in Devon.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 76: 496; G. P. Catley, Lincolnshire Bird Report 1981: 35-36; A. Grieve, British Birds 80: 466-473; BOURC (1984), Ibis 126: 440).
1.1). 1981 Lincolnshire Alkborough Flats, 15th September; same as Yorkshire.
(G. P. Catley, Lincolnshire Bird Report 1981: 35-36; BBRC in prep.).
1.2). 1981 Devon Countess Wear, Exeter, adult, 22nd November to 14th January 1982, photo; presumed same as Yorkshire.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 76: 496; Devon Bird Report 1982: photo; G. Wright, British Birds 80: 492-494, plates 245 & 246; Eds., British Birds 80: 670, corr.; BOURC (1984), Ibis 126: 440).
1.3). 1983 Yorkshire Blacktoft Sands RSPB, adult, 26th April to 6th May; presumed same as 1981 individual.
(British Birds 76: 322; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 78: 550).
2). 1988 North-east Scotland Slains Pools, Collieston, 26th September.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 83: 463; P. V. Harvey & K. D. N. Shaw, Birding Scotland 2 (2): 91-92).
3). 2015 Somerset Meare Heath, 3CY+ female, 24th April to 3rd May, photo.
(British Birds 108: plate 225 & 226; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 109: 585, plate 314).
4). 2020 Fife Eden Estuary, Guardbridge, 1CY, 3rd November to 17th December, photo.
(Scottish Birds 41: plate 83; S. Pinder, Scottish Birds 41: 187-189, plates 155-157; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 581).
5). 2023 Shetland Grutness/Sumburgh Airport/Pool of Virkie, Mainland, 3CY+, male, 30th July to 20th August, photo.
(R. Riddington, Scottish Birds 44: 88-90, plates 56-58; L. Bacon, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 116: 685).
P). 2024 Flintshire Connah’s Quay, adult male, 12th August, photo; same, Flint Castle, 21st August to 7th September, photo, again, 11th September, photo; also seen Cheshire & Wirral.
(birding information services).
P). 2024 Cheshire & Wirral Burton Mere Wetlands, adult male, 13th and 18th to 19th August, photo; presumed same, River Mersey, Hale, adult male, 27th September; presumed same as Flintshire.
(birding information services).