
An explanation of abbreviations used in the text.

ad nauseam something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome

A.M.M. Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter

ante, antea before, formerly, previously

àpropos to the purpose; at the right time; opportunely

auct. or auctorum a name used in the sense of subsequent authors

bona fide in good faith

BOURC British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee

B.S.T. British Summer Time

c. or circa about, approximately, around

cf. compare

e.g. example

et al. et alia - and others

et seq. et sequens - and the following

etc. or &c. Et cetera - and so forth

fide faithfully

F.L.S. Fellow Linnaean Society

F.R.E.S. Fellow Royal Entomological Society

F.R.S. Fellow Royal Society

F.Z.S. Fellow Zoological Society

G.P. Gravel Pits

H.E.S.N. Hastings and East Sussex Naturalist

horrible dictu horrible to say

i.e. id est - that is

in litt. in litteris - in a letter

in toto wholly, totally

KAN Author of this work - Keith A Naylor

lapsus calami slip of the pen

LL.D. Doctor of Laws

l. c. or loc. cit. local citation

lucus non lucendo an illogical explanation or absurd derivation

M.B.O.U. Member of British Ornithologists' Union

MS. Manuscript

M.T.N.H.S. Middlesex & Thames Natural History Society

NHM National History Museum, Tring, Hertfordshire

N.O.S.O. Notes on Sussex Ornithology in printed diaries of Rev. R. N. Dennis

N.S.F. Nottingham Sewage Farm

op. cit. opus cited

O. R. Ornithological Rambles; also Ornithological Records

pers. comm. personal communication

p. n. private notes

prima facie at first look; on its face; sufficient to establish a fact

P.Z.S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society

q.v. quod vide - which see; for which see elsewhere

rara avis rare bird

S.F. Sewage Farm

sic thus

s.s. second series of The Zoologist

teste a witness

t. c. or tom. cit. tome cited - book already cited

ut supra as above

v. v. or viva voce by word of mouth

verbatim word for word

VCH Victoria County History

viz. namely; that is to say; which is; as follows