Oriental Pratincole
Glareola maldivarum Forster, JR, 1795 (1, 7)
Photo © Graham Catley - Frampton Marsh, Lincolnshire, May 2010
Eurasia and the Orient. Monotypic.
East and south coasts appear to be the favoured areas to see this species, the rarest of the pratincoles, although the first record occurred in the Outer Hebrides and was discovered after a review of specimens.
Along with Collared Pratincole this species has a red underwing but the trailing edge of the secondaries is dark compared to pale in Collared. Also the depth of the tail fork is less in both adult and immatures of this species.
1). 1908 Outer Hebrides Eilean Mor, Flannan Isles, adult female, obtained, 13th July, DNA analysis, now at National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh (NMS.Z 1908.130).
(W. E. Clarke, Annals of Scottish Natural History 1908: 256; Eds., British Birds 2: 245; Clarke, 1912; Baxter & Rintoul, 1953; C. J. McInerny et al., British Birds 117: 152-167, plates 117 & 118).
2.0). 1981 Suffolk Dunwich, first-summer, 22nd June to 8th July; also in Essex.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 82: 521; D. W. Burns, British Birds 86: 115-120, plates 20-22; BOURC (1991), Ibis 133: 218).
2.1). 1981 Essex Old Hall Marshes RSPB, first-summer to adult winter, 2nd August to 11th October, photo; same as Suffolk.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 82: 521; D. W. Burns, British Birds 86: 115-120, plates 20-22; BOURC (1991), Ibis 133: 218; Wood, 2007).
3). 1988 Kent Harty, Sheppey, adult, 21st or 22nd June to 3rd September; presumed same, Elmley, 4th, 14th, 25th, 30th September to 3rd October.
(D. Rosair & D. Gilbert, Birding World 1: 359-360; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 82: 521; BOURC (1991), Ibis 133: 218).
4). 1993 Norfolk Gimingham, adult, 14th May to 3rd June; same, Weybourne, 3rd June, Blakeney Point, 4th June, Burnham Norton, 5th to 21st June, 13th July to 13th August, Titchwell and Thornham, 14th to 17th August, photo.
(S. J. M. Gantlett & R. Millington, Birding World 6 (5): 192-193, photos; Birding World 6 (6): 224, photo; Birding World 6 (12): 475, photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 87: 522, plates 129 & 130; Birding World 19 (8): 333, photo; S. J. M. Gantlett, D. J. Holman & R. G. Millington, Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 1993: 131, photos).
5). 1993 Sussex Pevensey Levels, 29th to 30th August.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 88: 509).
6). 1993 Suffolk Havergate Island, 4th and 19th September.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 88: 509).
7.0). 2009 Sussex Pagham Harbour, 28th to 29th May, photo; also in Kent.
(Birding World 22 (5): 182, photos; British Birds 103: plate 273; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 103: 582, plate 315).
7.1). 2009 Kent Dungeness, 3rd June, photo; same as Sussex.
(Birding World 22 (6): 225, photo; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 103: 582).
8). 2010 Lincolnshire Frampton Marsh RSPB, adult, 9th to 19th May, photo.
(Birding World 23 (5): 184, photo; P. Hyde, P. Sullivan & J. Badley, Birding World 23 (5): 209-214, plates 1-13; British Birds 103: plate 235; Birding World 23 (12): 535, photo; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 104: 577, plate 303).