Masked Wagtail
Motacilla alba personata Gould, 1861 (0, 2)
Photo © By Matt Tillett from Cumberland, MD, USA - White Wagtail, CC BY 2.0,
Northern Iran to south-west Siberia, western Mongolia, north-west China and western Himalayas.
This distinctive long-distance race of White Wagtail did not have any provenance issues as a previous record in Norway in 2004 had wintered also.
1). 2016 Pembrokeshire Camrose, 2CY+ male, 29th November to 26th December, photo
(British Birds 110: plate 23; C. Holt and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 111: 610, plate 397; BOURC (2018), Ibis 160: 936; R. Thorpe, British Birds 113: 293-298, plates 132-134).
2). 2022 Yorkshire Kilnsea Wetlands then Sammy’s Point, Easington, male, 18th to 19th May, photo.
(British Birds 115: plate 299; L. Bacon, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 116: 591).