Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Empidonax flaviventris (Baird, WM & Baird, SF, 1843) (0, 1)
North America. Monotypic.
This first record for the Western Palearctic occurred after a fast-moving Atlantic depression in September of that year.
1). 2020 Argyll Balephuil, Tiree, 1CY, 15th to 23rd September, photo.
(British Birds 113: plate 426; J. M. Bowler, Scottish Birds 41: 78-80, plates 73-75; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 597, plates 287 & 402; J. Bowler, British Birds 115: 165-169, plates 108 & 109; BOURC (2022), Ibis 164: 363-368).