Yelkouan Shearwater
Puffinus yelkouan (Acerbi, 1827) (0, 2)
Photo © Mark Darlaston - Berry Head, Devon, 29 July 2008
Mediterranean and Black Sea. Monotypic.
This individual was photographed at rest on the sea and in flight with a Balearic Shearwater for comparison and noticed as a pale individual. Later, the photographs revealed it to be Britains first Yelkouan Shearwater.
Close observation required to see toe projection, slightly dark undertail area and dark bar on underwings.
1). 2008 Devon Berry Head, 1CY+, 29th July.
(BOURC (2015), Ibis 157: 190; M. Darlaston & M. Langman, British Birds 109: 448-456, plates 265-270; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 109: 576; BOURC (2017), Ibis 159: 238).
2). 2020 Dorset Portland Bill, 1CY+, 8th to 9th July, photo.
(L. Bacon, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 116: 573).