White-winged Lark
Alauda leucoptera Pallas, 1811 (0, 1)
Photo © By Francesco Veronesi from Italy - White-winged Lark - Kazakistan_S4E0496, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39959857
Eurasia. Monotypic.
B. A. E. Marr & R. H. Porter (1995) carried out a review of previous occurrences and found them all not proven, apart from one in Norfolk 1981 (British Birds 88: 365-371).
1). 1981 Norfolk King's Lynn Beet Factory, first-winter male, 22nd and 24th October.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 79: 561; J. Lines, Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 1986: 416-417; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 85: 688, corr.; BOURC (1993), Ibis 135: 496; B. A. E. Marr & R. Porter, British Birds 88: 365-371; Anon., British Birds 89: 232-234; BOURC (2018), Ibis 160: 938).