White-rumped Swift
Apus caffer (Lichtenstein, MHK, 1823) (0, 1)
Photo © By Derek Keats from Johannesburg, South Africa - White-rumped swift, Apus caffer, at Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, Gauteng, South Africa, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=48499519
Africa. Monotypic.
The white trailing edge to the secondaries is a must see feature of this African species.
1). 2018 Yorkshire Hornsea Mere, 1CY+, 14th October, photo.
(British Birds 111: plate 433; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 112: 591, plate 331; L. Ball, British Birds 113: 171-175, plates 56-60; BOURC (2019), Ibis 162: 264-265).