Tree Swallow
Tachycineta bicolor (Vieillot, 1808) (0, 2)
Photo © By Virginia State Parks staff - Blue BirdUploaded by AlbertHerring, CC BY 2.0,
North America. Monotypic.
The first individual was found over Porthellick Pool hawking insects with House Martins Delichon urbica and Swallows Hirundo rustica and disappeared with them five days later. Another twelve years later on the most northern isle of Britain.
1). 1990 Isles of Scilly Porth Hellick, St Mary's, 6th to 10th June, photo.
(Birding World 3 (6): 191, photos; W. H. Wagstaff, Birding World 3: 199-201, photos; British Birds 84: plate 266; BOURC (1992), Ibis 134: 380; Birding World 7 (8): 322, photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 85: 534; D. J. D. Hickman, British Birds 88: 381-384, plates 105-110; Birding World 12 (2): 70, photo; Flood, Hudson & Thomas, 2007: plate 98).
2). 2002 Shetland Burn of Burrafirth, Unst, 29th May, photo.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 96: 583; W. Dickson, Shetland Bird Report 2002: 103-104, photo; Forrester & Andrews et al., 2007: photo).