Taiga Flycatcher
Ficedula albicilla (Pallas, 1811) (0, 6)
Photo © By Dr. Raju Kasambe - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76252824
Eurasia. Monotypic.
The second for Britain occurred in spring with the other individuals appearing in the autumn., however, the first record only came to light during the 2020s through a photograph taken at the time and identified retrospectively.
An all dark-bill, cold tones and blackish uppertail-coverts are the key points along with its distinctive call.
1). 1976 Yorkshire Spurn, 1CY, trapped, 19th October, photo.
(L. Bacon, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 117: 718; BOURC (2023), Ibis 148: 298-301).
2). 2003 Yorkshire Flamborough Head, first-summer male, trapped, 26th to 29th April, photo.
(P. A. Lassey, Birding World 16 (4): 153-155, plates 1-6; Birding World 16 (12): 519, photo; British Birds 96: plates 217 & 218; P. A. Lassey, British Birds 98: 542-546, plates 333-336; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 98: 682; Yorkshire Rare and Scarce Birds Report 2003: photo; BOURC (2006), Ibis 148: 198-201).
3). 2003 Shetland Sandgarth, Mainland, first-winter, trapped, 12th to 15th October, trapped 13th October, photo.
(M. S. Chapman, Birding World 16 (10): 429-433, plates 1-6; M. S. Chapman, Birding Scotland 7 (1): 39-44, plates 32-35; British Birds 96: plate 417; M. S. Chapman, British Birds 98: 547-550, plates 337-340; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 98: 682; M. S. Chapman, Shetland Bird Report 2003: 113-115, photos; Forrester & Andrews et al., 2007: photos).
4). 2009 Shetland Manse, Tresta, Fetlar, first-winter, 22nd September to 5th October, photo, sound recording; same, Gloup, Yell, 9th to 17th October, photo.
(Birding World 22 (9): 365, photo; M. Garner, Birding World 22 (9): 382, plates 1 & 2; British Birds 102: plate 425; Birding World 22 (12): 504, photo; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 103: 621, plate 343).
5). Co. Durham Trow Quarry, The Leas, 1CY, 14th to 18th October, photo.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 613).
6). 2021 Yorkshire Flamborough Head, 1CY, 16th October; presumed same, Flamborough Head, 1CY, 4th to 7th November, photo.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 115: 598, plate 454).