Sulphur-bellied Warbler
Phylloscopus griseolus Blyth, 1847 (0, 1)
Photo © Imran Shah from Islamabad, Pakistan, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Afghanistan and Pakistan to southern Russia, western Mongolia and central China. Monotypic.
This secord record for Europe and first for Britain is very similar to Dusky Warbler P. fuscatus; the previous European record occurred in Denmark during late May to early June 2016.
Extensive yellow underparts and a well-marked supercilium that is suffused with yellow and cold brown upperparts with no wing-bars. The distinctive song contains a single, high-pitched note repeated about five times with a call that is distinct from Dusky Warbler.
1). 2021 Devon Lundy, 2CY+, in song, 8th June, photo, sound recording.
(BOURC (2024), Ibis 166: 348; L. Bacon, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 116: 580, plates 349 & 350).