Sooty Tern
Onychoprion fuscatus (Linnaeus, 1766) (10, 12)
Photo © Iain H. Leach
Oceanic, Tropics and Sub-tropics. Polytypic.
The first five individuals were inland with a further individual in Northamptonshire. Five have appeared in Scotland with just three in Wales.
Annual since 2017 apart from 2022 with one individual being present in three successive years.
1). 1852 Derbyshire/Staffordshire River Dove, near Tutbury, shot, October.
(E. Brown, Zoologist 1853: 3755-3756; Eds., Proceedings of the Linnean Society 2: 213; J. McIntosh, Morris and Bree's Naturalist 3: 84; Mosley; Yarrell, 1856; Mosley, 1863; Newman, 1866; Harting, 1872; Yarrell, 1871-85; Seebohm, 1883-85; Whitlock, 1893; W. G. Clarke, Zoologist 1903: 394; H. F. Witherby & N. F. Ticehurst, British Birds 2: 420; Witherby, 1920-24; Smith, 1939; Harrison et al., 1982; Harrison & Harrison, 2005; Frost & Shaw, 2013).
2). 1869 Oxfordshire Near Wallingford, Berkshire, shot, 21st June.
(J. E. Harting, Zoologist 1869: 1867-1868; J. E. Harting, Field 26th June 1869: 538; Harting, 1872; Yarrell, 1871-85; Aplin, 1889; W. G. Clarke, Zoologist 1903: 394; Witherby, 1920-24; Radford, 1966).
3). 1885 Avon Near Bath, Somerset, adult, caught alive, 4th or 5th October.
(Saunders, 1889; Saunders, 1899; M. A. Mathew, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological & Natural History Society 39: 132; W. G. Clarke, Zoologist 1903: 394; Witherby, 1920-24; H. E. Rose, Avon Bird Report 1995: 104).
4). 1900 Suffolk Santon Downham, moribund, early April, now at Castle Museum, Norwich (Acc. No. NWHCM: 1904.3).
(W. A. Dutt, Field 3rd Oct., 1903: 600; W. G. Clarke, Zoologist 1903: 393-394; J. H. Gurney & T. Southwell, Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society 7: 739; W. G. Clarke, Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society 7: 752-753; H. F. Witherby & N. F. Ticehurst, British Birds 2: 308; Witherby, 1920-24; Ticehurst, 1932; Dye, Fiszer & Allard, 2009).
5). 1901 Greater Manchester Hulme, near Manchester, Lancashire, picked up exhausted, 9th October.
(R. Bowdler Sharpe, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 12: 26; C. Oldham, Zoologist 1902: 355; H. F. Witherby & N. F. Ticehurst, British Birds 2: 308; Witherby, 1920-24; Oakes, 1953; Spencer, 1973).
6). 1909 Meirionnydd Barmouth Golf Course, male, killed, 17th August, now at Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery (Acc. No. 1924Z18.4434).
(F. C. Rawlings, Zoologist 1909: 438; Forrest, 1919; Witherby, 1920-24; Lovegrove, Williams & Williams, 1994; Watson, 2010).
7). 1911 Sussex Black Rock, Brighton, adult female, moribund, 24th April, now at Booth Museum, Brighton (BoMNH 207623).
(W. R. Ogilvie-Grant, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 27: 95; A. F. Griffiths, British Birds 5: 81; N. F. Ticehurst, British Birds 5: 119; Witherby, 1920-24; Walpole-Bond, 1938; Shrubb, 1979; James, 1996).
8). 1933 Cumbria Drigg Point, Ravenglass, adult, seen, late June.
(W. Marchant, Field 29th July 1933: 294, 721; Witherby, 1941; Hutcheson, 1986).
9). 1935 Norfolk Blakeney Harbour, adult, seen, 11th September.
(J. Sladen Wing, British Birds 29: 187; Seago, 1977; Stoddart & Joyner, 2005).
10). 1939 Upper Forth Myot Hill, near Denny, Stirlingshire, moulting into second-winter, found dead, late May, photo, now at National Museums of Scotland (NMSZ 1939.45).
(J. Ritchie, British Birds 33: 197-198; Baxter & Rintoul, 1953; Thom, 1986; P. R. Gordon & D. L. Clugston, Scottish Birds 18: 138; Forrester & Andrews et al., 2007: photo).
11). 1961 Hampshire Hurst, adult, 17th June.
(C. M. Swaine and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 55: 575).
12.0). 1966 Suffolk Minsmere, 11th June; also in Norfolk.
(F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 60: 322; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 84: 477).
12.1). 1966 Norfolk Scolt Head and Blakeney Point, adult, 14th to 19th June, and 11th July; probably same as Suffolk.
(F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 60: 322; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 84: 477; Stoddart & Joyner, 2005).
12.2). 1966 Northumberland Inner Farne, Farne Islands, 21st June; presumed same as Suffolk, Norfolk.
(F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 60: 322).
13). 1969 Hampshire Fawley, adult, found dead, 18th August, now at Natural History Museum, Tring.
(F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 64: 369).
14). 1976 Suffolk Minsmere RSPB, adult, 3rd August.
(J. O'Sullivan and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 70: 427).
15). 1979 Devon Berry Head, flying west, 9th July.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 74: 477).
16). 1980 Northamptonshire Ditchford Gravel-pits, first-summer, 29th to 30th May when found sick; taken into care, but died 8th November, now in J. Ward private collection, Irchester.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 74: 477).
17.0). 1984 Kent Dungeness RSPB, adult, 9th July; also in Sussex.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 78: 559).
17.1). 1984 Sussex Rye, adult, 9th July, photo; presumed same as Kent individual.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 78: 559, plate 265; James, 1996).
18). 1989 Fife Isle of May, 14th July, photo.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 91: 495; P. V. Harvey & K. D. N. Shaw, Birding Scotland 2 (3): 126-128; Forrester & Andrews et al., 2007: photo).
19.0). 2005 Anglesey Rhosneigr, adult, 5th July, photo; same, The Skerries, 7th to 10th July, photo; same, Cemlyn Bay, intermittently, 10th to 26th July, photo; also in Pembrokeshire.
(A. Davies, Birding World 18 (7): 282-288, plates 1-7, 11; Birding World 18 (12): 505, photo; British Birds 98: plates 277-279; P. A. Fraser, M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 100: 51, plate 15).
19.1). 2005 Pembrokeshire Strumble Head, adult, 23rd August; presumed same as Anglesey.
(P. A. Fraser, M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 100: 51).
20). 2017 Argyll Machrihanish Sea BO, Uisead Point, Kintyre, 3CY+, 2nd June, photo.
(C. Holt and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 111: 584).
21.00). 2018 Northumberland Brownsman, Farne Islands, 4CY+, 7th July, photo; presumed same, Inner Farne, Farne Islands, 19th July, photo; same, Long Nanny, 19th July, photo; also in North-east Scotland, Co. Durham.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 112: 587; Birds in Northumbria 2018: photo).
21.01). 2018 North-East Scotland Ugie Estuary, Loch of Strathbeg and Ythan Estuary, 4CY+, 20th July to 5th August, photo; presumed same as Northumberland; also in Co. Durham.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 112: 587, plate 327; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 608).
21.02). 2018 Co. Durham Whitburn, 4CY+, 23rd September; same as Northumberland; also in North-east Scotland.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 112: 586).
21.03). 2019 Yorkshire Bempton Cliffs RSPB, 5CY+, 24th June, photo; same, Filey Brigg, 5CY+, 24th June; same, Flamborough Head, 5CY+, 9th July, photo; same, Long Nab, Burniston 5CY+, 9th July; presumed returning 2018 individual; also in Cleveland, Norfolk, Northumberland and Yorkshire.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 608).
21.04). 2019 Cleveland/Yorkshire Cowbar, 5CY+, 9th July; presumed returning 2018 individual; also in Co. Durham, Norfolk, Northumberland and Yorkshire.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 608).
21.05). 2019 Co. Durham Whitburn, 5CY+, 9th July, photo; presumed returning 2018 individual; also in Cleveland, Norfolk, Northumberland and Yorkshire.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 608).
21.06). 2019 Northumberland Church Point, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, 5CY+, 9th July, photo; same, Cullernose Point, 5CY+, 9th July; same, Annstead Point, Seahouses, 5CY+, 9th July, photo; presumed returning 2018 individual; also in Cleveland, Co. Durham, Norfolk and Yorkshire.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 608; Birds in Northumbria 2019: photo).
21.07). 2019 Norfolk Weybourne and Sheringham, 5CY+, 2nd August; presumed returning 2018 individual; also in Cleveland, Co. Durham, Northumberland and Yorkshire.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 113: 608).
21.08). 2020 Suffolk Minsmere RSPB and Sizewell, 6CY+, 8th July, photo; also seen Ayrshire, Northumberland; same as 2018.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 589, plate 396).
21.09). 2020 Ayrshire Maidens, Maidenhead Bay, 6CY+, 23rd July; same as Suffolk; also seen Northumberland; same as 2018.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 589).
21.10). 2020 Northumberland St Mary’s Island, 6CY+, 25th July; presumed same, Dunstanburgh Castle, 6CY+, 28th July, photo; same as Suffolk; also seen Ayrshire; same as 2018.
(C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 114: 589; Birds in Northumbria 2020: photo; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 115: 576).
21.11). 2021 Anglesey Cemlyn Bay, 13th June; same as 2020.
22). 2023 Cornwall Pendeen, 31st July.
(BBRC - Web-WIP-11-3-24).
P). 2023 Cornwall Pendeen, 22nd August.
(birding information services).