Siberian Sand Plover
Charadrius mongolus Pallas, 1776 (0, 4)
Photo © Alnus, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Russia (south, south-eastern Siberia). Polytypic: two races - mongolus, stegmanni.
The IOC (v. 13.2) split Lessser Sand Plover (2023) into two species: Tibetan Sand Plover and Mongolian Sand Plover.
Diagnosic features to look for in full summer plumage are a white forehead, chestnut breast bordered above by a black line, and dusky flank markings.
1). 1991 North-east Scotland Donmouth, adult or first-summer, 18th to 19th August, photo, C. m. mongolus group of races.
(K. Shaw & A. Webb, Birding World 4: 396-397, 398, photos; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 85: 525, plate 43; North-east Scotland Bird Report 1991: 16; R. D. Murray, Scottish Bird Report 1991: photo; Phillips, 1997: plate 8; Birding World 16 (9): 384, plates 9 & 10; Birding Scotland 4 (4): plate 128; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 103: 584; BOURC (2011), Ibis 153: 227-232; A. Webb & K. D. Shaw, Scottish Birds 30: 377-379, plates 326-330; Scottish Birds Records Committee, Scottish Birds 31: 9; BOURC (2024), Ibis 166: 349).
2). 2003 Hampshire Keyhaven Marshes, adult male, 22nd to 26th July, photo, C. m. mongolus group of races.
(L. Chappell, Birding World 16 (7): 282-283, plates 1-4; Birding World 16 (12): 513, photo; British Birds 96: plate 311; L. Chappell, Hampshire Bird Report 2003: 186-191, photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 97: 576, plate 337; Birding World 16 (9): 385, plates 13 & 14; BOURC (2008), Ibis 150: 218).
3). 2004 Lothian Aberlady Bay, adult male, 8th to 9th July, C. m. mongolus group of races.
(I. M. Thompson, Birding World 17 (7): 283-285, plates 1-3; Birding World 17 (12): 511, photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 98: 649; I. M. Thompson, Birding Scotland 7 (3): 107-110, plates 99-102; Forrester & Andrews et al., 2007: photo).
4). 2013 Moray & Nairn Lossiemouth, adult male, 16th July, photo, C. m. mongolus.
(M. Sharpe, Scottish Birds 33: 356-357, plates 322-324; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 107: 597, plate 288; M. Sharpe, Moray & Nairn Bird Report 2013: 74-76, photo).
P). 2022 Kent Cliffe Pools RSPB, male, 1st September, photo.
(birding information services).