Rock Sparrow
Petronia petronia (Linnaeus, 1766) (0, 1)
Photo © MPF, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Europe and north-west Africa. Polytypic.
Found on a Sunday morning and watched at close range for half an hour, it was unfortunately lost by 10 a.m.
1981 Norfolk Cley-next-the-Sea, 14th June.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 75: 527; S. J. M. Gantlett, Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 1984: 105-106; S. J. M. Gantlett & R. G. Millington, British Birds 76: 245-247; BOURC (1984), Ibis 126: 441).