Red-breasted Nuthatch
Sitta canadensis Linnaeus, 1766 (0, 1)
Photo © By Matt MacGillivray - originally posted to Flickr as red-breasted nuthatch, CC BY 2.0,
North America. Monotypic.
First and only record for Britain. Is known to irrupt in autumn. Also seen in Iceland in 1970.
1). 1989 Norfolk Holkham, first-year male, 13th October to 6th May 1990, photo.
(Birding World 2 (10): 350, photo; D. Hatton & P. Varney, Birding World 2 (10): 354-356, photo; Birding World 2 (11): 385, photo; Birding World 3 (2): 45, photo; Birding World 3 (3): 82, photo; British Birds 83: plates 92, 93 & 94, 196; Birding World 4 (1): 24, photo; M. J. Seago, Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 1989: 412-413, photo; BOURC (1991), Ibis 133: 440; Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 1992: photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 84: 495; Mrs. J. Aley & R. Aley, British Birds 88: 150-153, plates 36-37; P. Pyle, British Birds 88: 611; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 89: 521; British Birds 102: plate 274).