Naumann's Thrush
Turdus naumanni Temminck, 1820 (0, 2)
Photo © By Jongsun Lee - Imported from 500px (archived version) by the Archive Team. (detail page), CC BY 3.0,
Eurasia. Monotypic.
That the second individual should turn up on the other side of the North Circular Road, Greater London about a mile from the first is quite remarkable.
When these individuals occurred they were considered conspecific with Dusky Thrush T. eunomus. In October 2008 it was admitted as a full species (Ibis 151: 226) by the BOURC in their 37th report.
1). 1990 Essex/Greater London Woodford Green, male, 19th January to 9th March, photo.
(K. M. Murray, Birding World 3 (2): 50-53, photos; British Birds 83: plate 195; Birding World 4 (1): 24, photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 84: 485, plate 263; P. J. Vines & K. M. Murray, London Bird Report 1990: 183-184, photo; BOURC (1992), Ibis 134: 213; Wood, 2007; K. Murray, British Birds 102: 435-440, plates 248 & 249).
2). 1997 Essex/Greater London South Woodford, first-winter, 6th to 11th January.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 91: 503; Wood, 2007).