Long-legged Buzzard
Buteo rufinus (Cretzschmar, 1829) (0, 1)
Photo © Imran Shah from Islamabad, Pakistan, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
Eurasia and Africa. Polytypic.
This first for Britain was found in southern Mainland Shetland, appearing the same day later on Fair Isle. It was of the nominate race and pale form.
1.0). 2019 Shetland Hillwell, Mainland, 2CY, 1st September, photo, video; also on Fair Isle.
(T. Gale, Scottish Birds 41: 259-261, plates 182-184; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 115: 581, plate 436; BOURC (2022) Ibis in prep.; T. Gale & D. Cooper, British Birds 116: 508-514, plates 288 & 289).
1.1) 2019 Fair Isle No locality, 2CY, 1st September; same as Shetland.
(T. Gale, Scottish Birds 41: 259-261, plates 182-1849; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 115: 581; BOURC (2022) Ibis in prep.; T. Gale & D. Cooper, British Birds 116: 508-514, plates 288 & 289; BOURC (2023) Ibis 165: 360-361).