Lark Sparrow

Chondestes grammacus (Say, 1822) (0, 2)


Photo © By Becky Matsubara from El Sobrante, California - Lark Sparrow, CC BY 2.0,


North America. Polytypic.


The first for Britain was initially placed in Category D by the BOURC (1984) as it was believed the pattern of arrival did not match for other American Emberizinae (Ibis 126: 443). However, the BOURC (1992) admitted this individual onto the British List without further comment (Ibis 135: 221).

Another arrived in spring, also in East Anglia, in the classic period for the return passage of American passerines here.


1). 1981 Suffolk Landguard Point, 30th June to 8th July, photo.

(British Birds 74: plate 236; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 75: 531; BOURC (1984), Ibis 126: 443; T. D. Charlton, Birding World 4 (5): 156-159, photos; BOURC (1991), Ibis 133: 222; BOURC (1993), Ibis 135: 221; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 86: 530, plate 201; T. D. Charlton, British Birds 88: 395-400, plates 112-114).

2). 1991 Norfolk Waxham, 15th to 17th May, photo.

(Birding World 4 (12): 431, photo; British Birds 84: plates 306 & 307; Birding World 6 (9): 362, photo; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 86: 530; M. J. Seago, Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 1991: 262, photo).


Pallas's Reed Bunting


White-crowned Sparrow