Golden-winged Warbler
Vermivora chrysoptera (Linnaeus, 1766) (0, 1)
Photo © By Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren - Golden-winged Warbler, CC BY 2.0,
North America. Monotypic.
This individual was the first for the Western Palearctic and attracted over 3,000 visitors to a housing estate in Kent during its 77 day stay.
1). 1989 Kent Larkfield, Maidstone, male, 24th January to 10th April, photo.
(P. Doherty, Birding World 2 (2): 48-52, photos; British Birds 82: plates 186 & 188; M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 83: 489, plate 271; BOURC (1991), Ibis 133: 220; Kent Bird Report 1989: photo; P. Doherty, British Birds 85: 595-600, plates 268-270; British Birds 102: plate 267, 273, 277).