Glaucous-winged Gull
Larus glaucescens Naumann, JF, 1840 (0, 3)
Photo © By VJAnderson - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Nearctic. Coastal northern Pacific Ocean. Monotypic.
Seen in all three home countries. The first individual wandering from SW England to southern Wales, then about turn to the London area.
1.0). 2006 Gloucestershire Gloucester Landfill, Hempsted, third-winter, trapped, 15th to 16th December, photo; also in Carmarthenshire, Greater London/Surrey.
(Birding World 19 (12): 486, 526, photos; J. Sanders, Birding World 20 (1): 13-19, plates 1-11; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 102: 560; J. Sanders, British Birds 103: 53-59, plates 3 & 4; BOURC (2010), Ibis 152: 200).
1.1). 2007 Carmarthenshire Ferryside, Towy Estuary, third-winter, 2nd to 5th March, photo; same as Gloucestershire; also in Greater London/Surrey.
(Birding World 20 (2): 51, photo; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 102: 560; Welsh Birds 6: photo; BOURC (2010), Ibis 152: 200).
1.2). 2007 Gloucestershire Hempsted, third-winter, 16th to 17th March; also in Carmarthenshire, Greater London/Surrey; presumed returning individual.
(N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 102: 560; BOURC (2010), Ibis 152: 200).
1.3). 2007 Greater London/Surrey Beddington Sewage-farm, third-summer, 18th April, photo; same as Gloucestershire; also in Carmarthenshire.
(J. Allan, Birding World 20 (4): 150-151, photos; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 102: 560; BOURC (2010), Ibis 152: 200).
2). 2008 Cleveland/Co. Durham Saltholme Pools, Cowpen Bewley and area, adult, 31st December to 10th January 2009, photo.
(British Birds 102: plates 76 & 77; Birding World 22 (1): 2, photo; T. Collett, Birding World 22 (1): 14-21, plates 1-12; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 102: 560, plate 367; Cleveland Bird Report 2008: photo; Birding World 22 (12): 497, photo; N. A. J. Hudson and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 103: 595; Bowey & Newsome, 2012: photo).
3). 2017 Fair Isle Ditfield and Jonny's Peats, 4CY+, 2nd March, photo.
(British Birds 110: plate 144; D. Parnaby, Scottish Birds 37: 274-275, plates 215-217; C. Holt and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 111: 579, plate 374).