Egyptian Vulture
Neophron percnopterus (Linnaeus, 1758) (2, 1)
Photo © Kris Webb
Africa, Eurasia and the Oriental Region. Polytypic.
BOU (1971) state two in Somerset in October, 1825 and one in Essex, September 1868. However, of the two in Somerset, one was thought to be a Heron and is now unacceptable.
The 2021 record is awaiting official acceptance but will take the species out of Category B to A.
1). 1825 Somerset Kilve Cliffs, Bridgwater Bay, immature, shot, October.
(R. Jameson, Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 2: 206-207; G. T. Fox, Zoological Journal 3: 496; P. J. Selby, Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland and Durham 1831: 244-290; G. T. Fox, Zoological Journal 3: 496; Yarrell, 1845; Newman, 1866; J. H. Gurney, jun., Zoologist 1876: 5000; Yarrell, 1871-85; D. Seth-Smith, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 38: 13-14; Witherby, 1920-24; Somerset Ornithological Society, 1988; BOURC (2000), Ibis 142: 177-179; Palmer, 2000; Ballance, 2006).
2). 1868 Essex Peldon, immature, shot, 28th September, now at the Booth Museum, Brighton (BoMNH 207175).
(C. R. Bree, Field 10th Oct., 1868: 302; C. R. Bree, Zoologist 1868: 1456-1457; C. R. Bree, Field 17th Oct., 1868: 318; Yarrell, 1871-85; Christy, 1890; Witherby, 1920-24; Glegg, 1929; Walpole-Bond, 1938; Hudson & Pyman, 1968; Cox, 1984; Wood, 2007).
3.0). 2021 Lincolnshire Willingham by Stow, 13th May; also in Isles of Scilly.
3.1). 2021 Isles of Scilly Peninnis, St Mary’s, 14th June, photo; same, Middle Down, Tresco, adult, 14th to 15th June, photo; same as Lincolnshire.
(C. Cilia, Isles of Scilly Bird and Natural History Review 2021: 93, photo; W. H. Wagstaff & J. Trevithick, Isles of Scilly Bird and Natural History Review 2021: 159-161, photo; BBRC).
P). 2022 Cornwall Devoran, 22nd May, photo; presumed same Lincolnshire.
(birding information services).
P). 2023 Devon Haven Cliffs, Seaton, sub-adult, 4th March, photo.
(birding information services).