Black-capped Petrel
Pterodroma hasitata (Kuhl, 1820) (1, 1)
Photo © By Patrick Coin (Patrick Coin) - Photograph taken by Patrick Coin, CC BY-SA 2.5,
Oceanic. Monotypic.
The 1984 record was originally placed in Category D3 until this category was abolished. It was then admitted to Category A, joining the 1850 record which at the time was residing in Category B.
It breeds around the Caribbean.
1). 1850 Norfolk Southacre, Swaffham, caught on a heath, March or April, now at Castle Museum, Norwich (Acc. No. NWHCM: 1949.108).
(A. Newton, Zoologist 1852: 3691-3698; Yarrell, 1856; Yarrell, 1871-85; Southwell, 1890; Witherby, 1920-24; W. R. P. Bourne, Ibis 109: 155; Seago, 1977; Dye, Fiszer & Allard, 2009).
2). 1984 Yorkshire Barmston, juvenile female, tideline corpse long dead, 16th December, photo.
(M. J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 79: 529; J. R. Mather, British Birds 80: 284-285, plate 142; W. F. Curtis, British Birds 80: 285-286; W. R. P. Bourne, British Birds 81: 400-401; BOU, 1992; BOURC (1998), Ibis 141: 179; BOURC (2006), Ibis 148: 198-201).