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Watkins, W. 1896. Bonaparte's Gull at Freshwater, Isle of Wight. Field 88: 655.

Watkins, W. 1896. Bonaparte's Gull. Field 88: 693.

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Watson, D. 1956. Lesser White-fronted Geese in Kirkcudbrightshire. British Birds 49: 227.

Watson, D. 1958. Subalpine Warbler on the Isle of May. Scottish Birds 1: 41-42, 76.

Watson, D. 1960. Lesser White-fronted Goose in Wigtownshire. Scottish Birds 1: 271-272.

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Watson, R. K. 1983. Citrine Wagtail at Gibraltar Point, 4th-10th September 1983. Lincolnshire Bird Report 7: 53-54.

Watson, S. 1868. The Roller. Field 32: 135.

Watson, S. 1868. Roller near Carlisle. Zoologist (2nd series) 3: 1378.

Watson, W. G. 1921-22. Notes from Holy Island, Northumberland, 1920-1. British Birds 15: 239.

Watson, W. G. 1922-23. Notes from Holy Island, Northumberland, 1922. British Birds 16: 325-326.

Watson, W. G. 1923-24. Little Bunting in Northumberland. British Birds 17: 308.

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Watson, W. G. 1925-26. Notes from Holy Island, Northumberland, 1924. British Birds 19: 20-21.

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Webber, G. L. 1968. Solitary Sandpiper in Wiltshire. British Birds 61: 265-267.

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Weed, W. 1889. Sand Grouse in Berkshire. Field 74: 545.

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Welch, G. 1995. Citrine Wagtail - Third for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 45: 165.

Welch, H. J. 1908. Glossy Ibis at the Land's End. Field 112: 721.

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Wells Bladen, W. 1907. Pallas's Sand Grouse in Middlesex. Field 110: 631.

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Wells, H. 1914. Little Bustard in Sussex. Field 123: 139.

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Wemyss, B. 2000. Ivory Gull in Lewis, Outer Hebrides, 10th-18th January 2000. Birding Scotland 3 (2): 74.

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West, D. 1998. Baird's Sandpiper - Northumberland's long awaited second record. Birds in Northumbria 1998: 133.

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West, L. H. 1880. Alpine Swift in Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 4: 407.

West, L. H. 1890. Alpine Swift at Scarborough. Field 76: 668.

West, P. W. 1856. Occurrence of rare birds. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 6: 93.

Westall, P. R. 1946. Glossy Ibis in Norfolk. British Birds 39: 91.

Westell, W. P. 1943. Some Rare Hertfordshire Birds in the Letchworth Museum. Journal of the Letchworth Naturalists' Society 3: 18-26.

Weston, C. F. R. U. 1940. A Stork in Kent. Field 175: 899.

Westrapp, W. K. 1902. Brown Snipe near Folkestone. Field 100:

Wharton, H. T. 1883. The Blue-tailed Bee-eater. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 33-34.

Wharton, H. T. 1883. The Blue-tailed Bee-eater. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 80.

Wheeler, C. E. & Oliver, P. J. 1967. Black Duck in Kent. British Birds 60: 482-483.

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Wheeler, P. 1988. Origin of the Isle of May Daurian Redstart. Birding World 1 (6): 219.

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Whish, F. H. L. 1912-13. Little Bittern in Somerset. British Birds 6: 123.

Whish, F. H. L. 1923-24. Ivory Gull in Gloucestershire. British Birds 17: 288.

Whish, F. H. L. 1928-29. Ferruginous Duck in Somersetshire. British Birds 22: 374.

Whistler, F. 1919. Reported Occurrence of Sandgrouse. Field 134: 242.

Whistler, H. 1928. Occurrence of the Clucking Teal in Sussex. Field 151: 120.

Whitaker, B. 1955. Yellowthroat on Lundy: a new British bird. British Birds 48: 145-147.

Whitaker, B. 1955. Melodious Warbler on Lundy. British Birds 48: 284.

Whitaker, B. 1955. Bonelli's Warbler on Lundy. British Birds 48: 285.

Whitaker, B. 1955. Sardinian Warbler on Lundy. British Birds 48: 515.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1871. Rare Birds in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (2nd series) 6: 2803-2804.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1872. Little Bittern in Nottinghamshire [error for Derbyshire]. Zoologist (2nd series) 7: 3316.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1879. Scops Owl in Cumberland. Field 54: 848.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1879. Rare Birds in Nottinghamshire [King Duck]. Zoologist (3rd series) 3: 131.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1879. Bee-eater in Derbyshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 3: 461.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1882. Solitary Snipe in Nottinghamshire. Field 60: 741.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1882. Notes on Birds in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 6: 148-149.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1882. Alpine Chough in Oxfordshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 6: 431-432.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1883. Great Snipe in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 127.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1883. Egyptian Nightjar in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 374-376.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1888. Sand Grouse in Notts. Field 72: 433.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1889. Sand Grouse in Notts. Field 74: 45.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1889. Sand Grouse in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 13: 351.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1890. Pine Grosbeak in Notts. Field 75: 850.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1890. Pine Grosbeak in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 14: 464.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1892. Purple Gallinule in Sussex. Zoologist (3rd series) 17: 105.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1892. Purple Gallinule in Norfolk. Zoologist (3rd series) 17: 105.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1893. Baillon's Crake near Nottingham. Zoologist (3rd series) 17: 459.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1902. The Two-barred Crossbill in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (4th series) 6: 353.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1904. Kentish Plover at Rainworth, Notts. Field 103: 694.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1904. Kentish Plover (Aegilitis cantiana) at Rainworth. Zoologist (4th series) 8: 193.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1905. A Thrush new to the British Islands. Field 106: 989.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1905. A New Notts. Bird. Zoologist (4th series) 9: 466.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1906. Late stay of Swift. Zoologist (4th series) 10: 392.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1909. Glossy Ibis in Notts. Field 114: 890.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1909-10. Glossy Ibis in Nottinghamshire. British Birds 3: 230.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1921. Baillon's Crake in Notts. Field 138: 776.

Whitaker, jun., J. 1922. Baillon's Crake in Nottinghamshire. Field 139: 658.

Whitaker, P. A. 1997. Blue-winged Teal - fourth for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 47: 155.

White, C. A. 1951. Baird's Sandpiper in Middlesex. British Birds 44: 252-254.

White, C. A. 1967. Red-headed Buntings in Britain and Ireland. British Birds 60: 529.

White, G. 1883. Storks on migration. Field 61: 497.

White, G. 1887. Sea Eagle near Salisbury. Field 70: 711.

White, G. 1889. Sand Grouse in Dorset. Field 73: 51.

White, G. 1894. White's Thrush. Field 83: 269.

White, H. 1861. Rose-coloured Pastor shot near Cheltenham. Field 17: 544.

White, R. 1988. Ross's Gull in Cornwall & Devon. Birding World 1 (3): 83-85.

White, R. 1991. Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler in Devon. Birding World 4 (2): 69-70.

White, R. W. 1996. Soft-plumaged Petrel Pterodroma sp. in sea area Fair Isle - the first record for Scotland. Scottish Bird Report 1996: 71-72.

White, S. J., Harvey, P. V., Riddington, R., Tallack, R. M. & Collinson, J. M. 'Caspian Reed Warbler': new to Britain. British Birds 111: 334-339.

Whitear, W. 1879-84. A Calendar, Flora, &c. begun March 1st, 1809, ending 1826. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 3: 235-261.

Whitehall, B. 1999. White-winged Black Tern exploiting feeding behaviour of Great Crested Grebes. British Birds 92: 369.

Whitehouse, A. 2004. Fife's first Desert Wheatear, Kilminning, November 2003. Birding Scotland 7 (1): 31-34.

Whitehouse, S. M. 1978. Bimaculated Lark in Shetland. British Birds 71: 462-463.

Whitehouse, S. M. 1988. Least Sandpiper in Worcestershire. Birding World 1 (8): 286.

Whitlock, F. B. 1889. Autumn and Winter Notes from Notts. [Sand Grouse]. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 1: 113-114.

Whitlock, F. B. 1891. Pine Grosbeak in Notts. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 1: 38.

Whitlock, F. B. 1897. Caspian Tern on the Trent. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 1: 308.

Whittaker, J. A. 1948. Black-winged Stilt in Lancashire in 1944. British Birds 41: 250.

Whittingham, M. 1988. Cattle Egret - first for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 38: 122.

Widdowson, R. 1866. Orange-legged Hobby, or Red-footed Falcon. Field 27: 191.

Wightman, J. S. 1948. Bittern in Ireland in May. British Birds 41: 358.

Wightman, J. S. 1949. Purple Heron in Pembrokeshire. British Birds 42: 25.

Wiglesworth, H. 1867. An Eagle in Hylands Park. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 3: 40.

Wiglesworth, J. 1918-19. Wallcreeper in Somerset. British Birds 12: 185.

Wilcocks, J. C. 1866. Occurrence of the Lesser Bustard. Field 27: 130.

Wild, O. H. 1912. Serin Finch (Serinus serinus) in Midlothian. Scottish Naturalist 32: 11.

Wild, O. H. 1931-32. Richard's Pipit in Gloucestershire. British Birds 25: 301.

Wild, O. H. 1943-44. Glossy Ibis in Gloucestershire. British Birds 37: 158.

Wilkins, J. P. 1938-39. Aquatic Warbler seen in Sussex. British Birds 32: 273.

Wilkinson, G. 1879. White-tailed Eagle in Norfolk. Field 54: 733.

Wilkinson, G. 1897. Pallas's Willow Warbler in Norfolk. Field 89: 135.

Wilkinson, J. 1889. Roller in Kirkcudbrightshire. Field 74: 416.

Wilkinson, J. 1889. Roller in Kirkcudbrightshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 13: 393-394.

Wilkinson, J. P. 1959. Wilson's Phalarope in Anglesey. British Birds 52: 386-387.

Wilkinson, J. P. 1960. Wilson's Phalarope in Flintshire. British Birds 53: 29-30.

Wilkinson, M. 2001. Baird's Sandpiper on Foula: third for SBC area, sixth Shetland record. Shetland Bird Report 32: 93.

Wilkinson, M. 2020. Attempted pairing of Lesser Scaup and Tufted Duck in Borders. Scottish Birds 40: 70-71.

Wilkinson, M., Gibb, K. & Stirrat, A. 2018. A multiple occurrence of 'Isabelline' Shrikes on Foula, Shetland - plus notes on the separation of Daurian and Turkestan Shrikes in 1st calendar-year plumage. Scottish Birds 38: 176-181.

Wilkinson, M. A., Drew, J. P. & Drew, T. M. 2004. Common Yellowthroat on Foula: 3rd Shetland record. Shetland Bird Report 35: 113-114.

Wilkinson, P. J. 1979. Siberian Thrush in Norfolk. British Birds 72: 122-123.

Wilkinson, R. J. 1986. Citrine Wagtail. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 1986: 56-57.

Wilkinson, W. 1863. Sand Grouse. Field 21: 575.

Wilkinson, W. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Northumberland. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8689.

Willcocks, T. J. 1949. The Immigration of American Pectoral Sandpiper in the Autumn of 1948: Cornwall. British Birds 42: 137.

Willcocks, T. J. 1953. Little Egret in Cornwall. British Birds 46: 255-256.

Willes, C. S. 1863. Sand Grouse. Field 21: 575.

Willes, C. S. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Sussex. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8682-8683.

William, G. H. 1924-25. Notes on some Galloway Birds, 1919-24. Transactions of the Dumfries Natural History and Antiquarian Society 12: 115-126.

Williams, A. 2005. Black-headed Wagtail - a first for Devon. Devon Bird Report 78: 177-178.

Williams, E. J. 1969. Subalpine Warbler in Orkney. Scottish Birds 5: 394-395.

Williams, E. J. 1999. Crag Martin, Finstown, Orkney, 3rd May 1999 - a first for Scotland. Birding Scotland 2 (3): 137-138.

Williams, E. J. & Balfour, E. 1965. Yellow-breasted Bunting in Orkney. Scottish Birds 3: 317, 381.

Williams, G. 1984. Snow Goose over Audenshaw Reservoirs on 25th January 1984 (a species new to Greater Manchester). Greater Manchester Bird Report 9: 40.

Williams, G. G. 1992. Green-winged Teal at Audenshaw Reservoirs, 28th April 1992. Greater Manchester Bird Report 17: 75.

Williams, L. P. 1977. Parula Warbler in Cornwall. British Birds 70: 263-264.

Williams, L. P. 1986. Chimney Swift: new to the Western Palearctic. British Birds 79: 423-426.

Williams, L. P. 1993. Tree Swallow records in Britain. British Birds 86: 188.

Williams, M. R. 1971. Steller's Edier in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Birds 6: 444.

Williams, R. 1994. Tengmalm's Owl in Kielder Forest. Birds in Northumbria 1994: 102-103.

Williams, R. P. 1930-31. Ivory Gull in Sussex. British Birds 24: 299.

Williams, S. 2003. The Yellow-rumped Warbler at Evie, Orkney, 31st October-2nd November. Birding Scotland 6 (4): 175-177.

Williams, T. J. 1996. Doube-crested Cormorant in Cleveland: new to the Western Palearctic. British Birds 89: 162-170.

Williamson, J. 1999. An 'Invasion' of Pallid Swifts in Norfolk. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 33: 295-296.

Williamson, J. R. 1989. Indigo Bunting: An Addition to the County List. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 1989: 431-432.

Williamson, J. R. 1990. White-tailed Eagles in Norfolk. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 1990: 84-87.

Williamson, J. R. & Saunt, M. J. 1988. Indigo Bunting in Norfolk. Birding World 1 (11): 385-387.

Williamson, K. 1949. Fair Isle Bird Observatory - First Report, 1948. Scottish Naturalist 61: 19-31, 130-143.

Williamson, K. 1950. Fair Isle Bird Observatory. Notes on selected species, autumn, 1949. British Birds 43: 48-52.

Williamson, K. 1950. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report, 1949. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report 1: 7-19.

Williamson, K. 1950. Fair Isle Bird Observatory - Notes on selected species, spring, 1949. Scottish Naturalist 62: 17-25.

Williamson, K. 1951. Fair Isle Bird Observatory - Notes on selected species, autumn, 1950. British Birds 44: 117-122.

Williamson, K. 1951. Reports from Bird Observatories, 1950: Fair Isle Bird Observatory, 1950. British Birds 44: 223-227.

Williamson, K. 1951. Rare Birds in Shetland. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (1): 16.

Williamson, K. 1951. Spring Migration - Notes on Selected Species. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (2): 3-28.

Williamson, K. 1951. Midsummer migrants at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (3): 23-28.

Williamson, K. 1951. A second Subalpine Warbler trapped. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (3): 3.

Williamson, K. 1951. Red-headed Bunting at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (3): 34-36.

Williamson, K. 1951. Migration at Fair Isle, August and early September 1951. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (4): 11-20.

Williamson, K. 1951. Fourth occurrence of Black-headed Bunting at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (4): 21-23.

Williamson, K. 1951. Fourth occurrence of Tawny Pipit at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (4): 23-25.

Williamson, K. 1951. October 1951 at the Isle of May. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (5): 16-18.

Williamson, K. 1951. Black-eared Wheatear at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (5): 2.

Williamson, K. 1951. Autumn migration at Fair Isle and in South Shetland. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (5): 3-15.

Williamson, K. 1951. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report, 1950. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report 1: 9-16.

Williamson, K. 1951. Red-headed Bunting at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 63: 185-186.

Williamson, K. 1951. Yellow-breasted Bunting at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 63: 186-187.

Williamson, K. 1952. Reports from Bird Observatories, 1951: Fair Isle Bird Observatory, 1951. British Birds 45: 228-232.

Williamson, K. 1952. Subalpine Warbler at Fair Isle. British Birds 45: 260-261.

Williamson, K. 1952. Ivory Gull and probable Greenland Falcon at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (6): 28.

Williamson, K. 1952. Possible occurrences of Bulwer's Petrel in Shetland waters. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (6): 29.

Williamson, K. 1952. Selected notes on spring migrants at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (7): 13-20.

Williamson, K. 1952. Spring observations in Dunrossness, south Shetland. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (7): 23-24.

Williamson, K. 1952. A Nightingale at the Isle of May. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (7): 26.

Williamson, K. 1952. Late spring occurrence of a Red-throated Pipit. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (7): 39-41.

Williamson, K. 1952. August at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (8): 29-34.

Williamson, K. 1952. Black-headed Bunting at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 64: 48-50.

Williamson, K. 1952. Tawny Pipit at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 64: 50-51.

Williamson, K. 1952. Black-bellied Dippers at Fair Isle in 1951. Scottish Naturalist 64: 55-56.

Williamson, K. 1953. Rare Larks and Pipits at Fair Isle in 1952. British Birds 46: 210-212.

Williamson, K. 1953. Reports from Bird Observatories, 1952: Fair Isle Bird Observatory, 1952. British Birds 46: 422-425.

Williamson, K. 1953. Autumn Report from the Isle of May. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (10): 40.

Williamson, K. 1953. Lanceolated Warbler at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (11): 22.

Williamson, K. 1953. Spring (1953) Notes from Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (11): 23-29.

Williamson, K. 1953. Summer records of rare buntings. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (12): 34-36.

Williamson, K. 1953. Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Shetland. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (9): 14.

Williamson, K. 1953. The story of a Pechora Pipit. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (9): 24-27.

Williamson, K. 1953. Rare Larks at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (9): 27-29.

Williamson, K. 1953. Other Fair Isle migrants - a selected list. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 1 (9): 31-38.

Williamson, K. 1953. An American Pipit at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 13.

Williamson, K. 1953. Richard's Pipits in Mid-August. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 14.

Williamson, K. 1953. A Paddyfield Warbler at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 15-18.

Williamson, K. 1953. Parrot Crossbill at Isle of May. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 20-21.

Williamson, K. 1953. An American Thrush, new to Britain, at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 3-8.

Williamson, K. 1953. Late Autumn days at Fair Isle - Extracts from "The Log". Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 71-77.

Williamson, K. 1953. American Cuckoos in Scotland. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 8-9.

Williamson, K. 1953. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report, 1952. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report.

Williamson, K. 1953. Ortolan and Little Buntings at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 65: 60-61.

Williamson, K. 1954. Gray-cheeked Thrush at Fair Isle: a new British bird. British Birds 47: 266-267.

Williamson, K. 1954. Paddyfield Warbler at Fair Isle. British Birds 47: 297-301.

Williamson, K. 1954. Some migration notes from Fair Isle in Autumn and Winter 1953-4. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 100-112.

Williamson, K. 1954. Migrational drift at Fair Isle in late September 1953. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 117-123.

Williamson, K. 1954. American Birds at Hamilton, Lanarkshire, in March and April 1954. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 136.

Williamson, K. 1954. Note on a probable Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 159.

Williamson, K. 1954. Yellow-headed Wagtails at Fair Isle: a new British bird. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 191-193.

Williamson, K. 1954. A Baikal Teal at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 194-195.

Williamson, K. 1954. Eversmann''s Warblers at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 196.

Williamson, K. 1954. Eastern Short-toed Larks at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 197-199.

Williamson, K. 1954. Warbler migration at Fair Isle in August and September 1954. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 215-219.

Williamson, K. 1954. Further Notes on passerine migration at Fair Isle in Autumn 1954. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 220-226.

Williamson, K. 1954. Reports from Observatories. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 61-68.

Williamson, K. 1954. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report, 1953. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report.

Williamson, K. 1954. American Birds in Scotland in Autumn and Winter, 1953-54. Scottish Naturalist 66: 13-29.

Williamson, K. 1954. Probable American Pipit at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 66: 53-54.

Williamson, K. 1955. Arctic Warbler trapped at Fair Isle. British Birds 48: 132-133.

Williamson, K. 1955. Two Yellow-headed Wagtails at Fair Isle: a new British bird. British Birds 48: 26-29.

Williamson, K. 1955. Short-toed Lark at Fair Isle. British Birds 48: 513-514.

Williamson, K. 1955. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report, 1954. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report.

Williamson, K. 1956. A useful field-character of the Icterine Warbler. British Birds 49: 119-120.

Williamson, K. 1956. Melodious Warbler and Lesser Grey Shrikes at Fair Isle. British Birds 49: 94-96.

Williamson, K. 1956. Short-toed Larks at Fair Isle in 1955. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 14.

Williamson, K. 1956. Migration at Fair Isle in late May and early June 1955. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 15-20.

Williamson, K. 1956. Hudsonian Whimbrel at Fair Isle: a new British bird. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 2.

Williamson, K. 1956. Thick-billed Warbler at Fair Isle: a new bird to Europe. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 3-4.

Williamson, K. 1956. Red-footed Falcon trapped at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 5.

Williamson, K. 1956. Passerine Migration at Fair Isle in Autumn 1955. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 57-61, 64.

Williamson, K. 1956. A third Greenish Warbler trapped at Fair Isle. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 7-8.

Williamson, K. 1957. A desert race of the Great Grey Shrike, new to the British Isles. British Birds 50: 246-249.

Williamson, K. 1957. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler at Fair Isle. British Birds 50: 395-397.

Williamson, K. 1957. Steppe Shrike at Fair Isle: a new British bird. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 111.

Williamson, K. 1957. Semipalmated Sandpiper at Fair Isle: a new Scottish bird. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 111.

Williamson, K. 1957. The year's migration at Fair Isle - Part 1. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 117-129.

Williamson, K. 1957. A Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler trapped. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 130.

Williamson, K. 1957. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report, 1955 & 1956. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report.

Williamson, K. 1959. The September drift-movements of 1956 and 1958. British Birds 52: 334-377.

Williamson, K. 1963. Radde's Warbler at the Isle of May. Scottish Birds 2: 367-368.

Williamson, K. 1977. Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii in the Western Palearctic. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 97: 60-61.

Williamson, K. & Craw, H. A. 1955. The calls of Short-toed Larks at Fair Isle. British Birds 48: 457-458.

Williamson, K. & Alexander, H. G. 1957. The identification of Baird's and Semi-palmated Sandpipers. British Birds 50: 350-351.

Williamson, K. & Alexander, H. G. 1957. Semipalmated Sandpiper at Fair Isle: a bird new to Scotland. Scottish Naturalist 69: 145-147.

Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I. J. 1955. Plumage and structural characters in the Yellow-headed Wagtail. British Birds 48: 358-362.

Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I. J. 1960. Nearctic birds in Great Britain and Ireland in autumn 1958. British Birds 53: 369-378.

Williamson, K. & Palmar, C. E. 1955. The Aberdeenshire record of a White-throated Sparrow. British Birds 48: 189-190.

Williamson, K. & Sandeman, G. L. 1954. Spring migration at Fair Isle and Isle of May in 1954. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 2: 160-175.

Williamson, K. & Thom, V. M. 1955. Hudsonian Whimbrel at Fair Isle. British Birds 48: 379-381.

Williamson, K. & Thom, V. M. 1955. Red-footed Falcon at Fair Isle. British Birds 48: 542-543.

Williamson, K. & Thom, V. M. 1956. Grenish Warbler at Fair Isle. British Birds 49: 42-43.

Williamson, K., Thom, V. M., Ferguson-Lees, I. J. & Axell, H. E. 1956. Thick-billed Warbler at Fair Isle: a new British bird. British Birds 49: 89-93.

Willis, D. P. 1961. Red-breasted Flycatcher in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Birds 1: 495.

Willis, R. A. 1879. Caspian Tern at Filey. Field 54: 684.

Willmott, C. 1875. Golden Eagle near Chatteris. Zoologist (2nd series) 10: 4703.

Willmott, C. 1885. Nutcracker in Kent. Field 66: 776.

Willmott, C. 1885. Nutcracker in Kent. Field 66: 776.

Willmott, C. 1885. Recent occurrence of the Nutcracker in Kent. Zoologist (3rd series) 9: 430-431.

Willmott, J. 1988. Blackburnian Warbler on Fair Isle - a new Western Palearctic bird. Birding World 1 (10): 355-356.

Willmott, J. 1999. The Booted Eagle in Cornwall - a new British bird. Birding World 12 (11): 444-447.

Willmott, J. 2003. Blast from the Past: Blackburnian Warbler, Fair Isle, 7th October 1988. Birding Scotland 6 (1): 1-2.

Willoughby, E. 1896. Jerfalcon in Skye. Field 88: 906.

Willoughby, P. J. 1991. The Desert Warbler at Flamborough Head. Birding World 4 (10): 363-364.

Willoughby, P. J. 1994. The Flamborough Head Blyth's Pipit. Birding World 7 (5): 204-205.

Willoughby, S. 1843. Note on the occurrence of Rare birds in Lincolnshire. Zoologist (1st series) 1: 247.

Wills, J. 2004. The Black Duck at New Pitsligo - the first record for North-East Scotland. North-east Scotland Bird Report 2004: 126-127.

Wills, J. 2005. Black Duck, New Pitsligo - a first for North-East Scotland. Birding Scotland 8 (1): 16-18.

Wills, J. M. & Bloor, P. D. 2012. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, Collieston, North-east Scotland, 26 September 2012 - the first record for mainland Scotland. Scottish Birds 32: 371-375.

Wilson, A. C. 1986. Little Swift at St Andrews. Scottish Bird Report 1986: 257-258.

Wilson, A. M. 1959. White Storks in Fife. Scottish Birds 1: 145.

Wilson, A. M. & Wilson, D. 1959. Ivory Gull in Fife. Scottish Birds 1: 151-152.

Wilson, C. J. 1988. Spotted Sandpiper feeding with Chaffinches among beech mast. British Birds 81: 644.

Wilson, D. 1955. Eagle Owl in Shropshire. British Birds 48: 92.

Wilson, D. 2022. Lesser Yellowlegs, Frankfield Loch, 4 June 2022 - first Clyde record. Scottish Birds 42: 376-378.

Wilson, D. & Ffrench-Blake, D. 1949. Collared Flycatcher in Devon. British Birds 42: 292-293.

Wilson, D. M. 1936. Snowy Owl in Fife. Scottish Naturalist 56: 45.

Wilson, G. E. 1976. Spotted Sandpipers nesting in Scotland. British Birds 69: 288-292.

Wilson, G. 1945. Rose-coloured Starling in Skye. British Birds 38: 374.

Wilson, G. E. 1999. Spotted Sandpipers nesting in Scotland - a first for the Western Palearctic. Birding Scotland 2 (1): 10-12.

Wilson, J. 1926. Faroese Snipe and Hornemann's Redpoll at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 46: 4.

Wilson, J. 1928. Lesser Grey Shrike at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 48: 127.

Wilson, J. 1929. Black-headed Bunting at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 49: 164.

Wilson, J. 1930. Petchora Pipit and Short-toed Lark at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 50: 188.

Wilson, J. 1930. Saharan Desert Wheatear and Rose-coloured Pastor at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 50: 8.

Wilson, J. 1930. Short-toed Lark at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 50: 94.

Wilson, J. 2023. Stejneger’s Stonechat, Crail, Fife, 22 October 2022 - first for Fife and mainland Scotland. Scottish Birds 43: 182-185.

Wilson, J. C. 1853. Rare Birds at Reading. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 3: 19.

Wilson, J. C. 1859. Occurrence of Rare Birds near Worthing. Zoologist (1st series) 17: 6604-6606.

Wilson, J. D. 2020. 'Coues's Arctic Redpoll', Hopes Reservoir, January 2019 - second record for Lothian. Scottish Birds 40: 274-275.

Wilson, K. 1987. Whiskered Tern at Covenham Reservoir, June 10th - 15th. Lincolnshire Bird Report 11: 64-65.

Wilson, K. 2008. The Alder Flycatcher in Cornwall - a new British bird. Birding World 21 (10): 425-431.

Wilson, K. 2011. Identification & ageing of Red-headed Bunting: some notes from Kazakhstan. Birding World 24 (8): 342-352.

Wilson, K. 2011. Identification of Sykes's Warbler: some notes on variation in Kazakhstan. Birding World 24 (9): 386-391.

Wilson, K. 2015. Alder Flycatcher in Cornwall: new to Britain. British Birds 108: 314-324.

Wilson, K. & Shaughnessy, J. 2007. The Greater Yellowlegs in Lincolnshire. Birding World 20 (6): 247-253.

Wilson, M. G. & Korovin, V. A. 2003. Oriental Turtle Dove breeding in the Western Palearctic. British Birds 96: 234-241.

Wilson, T. J. & Fentiman, C. 1999. Eastern Bonelli's Warbler in Scilly: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 92: 519-523.

Windham 1859. Jer Falcon in Northumberland. Field 14: 553.

Wink, M., Suer-Gürth, H. & Gwinner, E. 2002. Evolutionary relationships of stonechats and related species inferred from mitochondrial-DNA sequences and genomic fingerprinting. British Birds 95: 349-355.

Winnall, R. N. 1960. Rose-coloured Starling in Shetland. Scottish Birds 1: 193.

Windus, W. E. 1888. Sand Grouse. Hardwicke’s Science Gossip 24: 188.

Wiseman, E. & Combridge, P. 2012. What the eye does see: misrepresenting the views of others and a Freudian slip ? British Birds 105: 483.

Wishart, D. M. G. 1943-44. Great Reed Warbler in Northamptonshire. British Birds 37: 115-116.

Witherall, M. 2003. Solitary Sandpiper, Isle of Lewis, October 2003 - fourth Scottish record. Birding Scotland 6 (4): 183-185.

Witherby, H. F. 1897. Barred Warbler in Norfolk. Correction. Knowledege 20: 257.

Witherby, H. F. 1898. Ferruginous Duck (Fuligula nyroca) in West Meath. Knowledge 21: 14.

Witherby, H. F. 1898. A British-taken Shearwater identified for forty-five years as Puffinus obscurus, now found to be P. assimilis. Knowledge 21: 162.

Witherby, H. F. 1907-08. The Birds of Fair Isle. British Birds 1: 381-384.

Witherby, H. F. 1907-08. Canadian Crane in Ireland. British Birds 1: 90-91.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Yellow-browed Warbler in Yorkshire. British Birds 2: 201.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Little Bunting in Norfolk. British Birds 2: 238.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Richard's Pipit in Norfolk. British Birds 2: 279.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Bulwer's Petrel in Sussex. British Birds 2: 282-283.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Evermann's Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis) at Fair Isle. British Birds 2: 310.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. White-tailed Eagle in Herford. British Birds 2: 314.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Supposed Woodchat in Cornwall. British Birds 2: 66.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Nutcracker in Kent. British Birds 2: 92-93.

Witherby, H. F. 1908-09. Pallas's Sandgrouse in England. British Birds 2: 98.

Witherby, H. F. 1909-10. Black-winged Pratincole in Yorkshire. British Birds 3: 266-268.

Witherby, H. F. 1909-10. Baird's Sandpiper in Norfolk. British Birds 3: 29.

Witherby, H. F. 1909-10. The Eastern Pied Wheatear (Saxicola pleschanka Lepech.)) in Scotland: A new British bird. British Birds 3: 296-297.

Witherby, H. F. 1909-10. The Greenish Willow-Warbler as a British Bird. British Birds 3: 297-298.

Witherby, H. F. 1910-11. Supposed Bee-eater in Norfolk. British Birds 4: 126.

Witherby, H. F. 1910-11. American Blue-winged Teal in Ireland. British Birds 4: 252.

Witherby, H. F. 1910-11. The American Wigeon recorded from Anglesey. British Birds 4: 256.

Witherby, H. F. 1910-11. Birds in Norfolk in 1909. British Birds 4: 27-28.

Witherby, H. F. 1910-11. American Water Pipit at St Kilda. British Birds 4: 285.

Witherby, H. F. 1910-11. Brown-backed Warblers, not Grey-backed Warblers in Sussex and Kent. British Birds 4: 310-311.

Witherby, H. F. 1911-12. The Northern and the Central-European Crested Tits as British birds. British Birds 5: 109-110.

Witherby, H. F. 1911-12. Supposed Southern Grey Shrike in Norfolk: A correction. British Birds 5: 111.

Witherby, H. F. 1911-12. Review of 'Addenda and Corrigenda to the Birds of Dumfriesshire,' by Hugh S. Gladstone (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat. Hist. Soc). British Birds 5: 256-257.

Witherby, H. F. 1912-13. Review of the 'Birds of Northumberland and the Eastern Borders', by George Bolam, 1912. British Birds 6: 131-135.

Witherby, H. F. 1912-13. Review of 'Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1911, including Migration. By Evelyn V. Baxter and Leonora J. Rintoul, 1912." British Birds 6: 167-168.

Witherby, H. F. 1912-13. Migration Notes from Holy Island, Northumberland. - Autumn 1912. British Birds 6: 202-210.

Witherby, H. F. 1913-14. Migration Notes from Holy Island, Northumberland. - Autumn 1913. British Birds 7: 167-169.

Witherby, H. F. 1913-14. The Dusky Warbler in Orkney. A new British bird. British Birds 7: 220-221.

Witherby, H. F. 1914-15. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1913, including Migration. By Evelyn V. Baxter and Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul. British Birds 8: 126-128.

Witherby, H. F. 1914-15. Report on the Immigration of Summer-residents in the Spring of 1913; also Notes on the Migratory Movements and Records received from Lighthouses and Light-vessels during the Autumn of 1912. British Birds 8: 273-274.

Witherby, H. F. 1915-16. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1914, including Migration. By Evelyn V. Baxter and Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul. British Birds 9: 159-160

Witherby, H. F. 1915-16. Cape Verde Little Shearwater in Sussex. British Birds 9: 201-203.

Witherby, H. F. 1916-17. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1915, including Migration. By Evelyn V. Baxter and Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul. British Birds 10: 171-172.

Witherby, H. F. 1917-18. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1916, including Migration. By Leonora J. Rintoul and Evelyn V. Baxter. British Birds 11: 143-144.

Witherby, H. F. 1920-21. Notes on British records of the Spotted Eagle and Steppe Buzzard and on the British Tawny Owl. British Birds 14: 180-183.

Witherby, H. F. 1920-21. British records of the Spotted Eagle. British Birds 14: 209.

Witherby, H. F. 1920-21. Spotted Eagle in Essex. British Birds 14: 237.

Witherby, H. F. 1921-22. The St. Columb Spotted Eagle. British Birds 15: 69.

Witherby, H. F. 1922-23. On the White-billed Diver as a British bird. British Birds 16: 9-12.

Witherby, H. F. 1923-24. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1922, including Migration, by Evelyn V. Baxter and Leonora J. Rintoul. British Birds 17: 195-196.

Witherby, H. F. 1923-24. Distinctions of American Snipe and its occurrence in Britain. British Birds 17: 283-288.

Witherby, H. F. 1926-27. On some new British Birds. British Birds 20: 11-16.

Witherby, H. F. 1928-29. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1926, including Migration, By Evelyn V. Baxter and L. J. Rintoul. British Birds 22:

Witherby, H. F. 1928-29. The Black Brent Geese recorded by the late F. Coburn. British Birds 22: 91-93.

Witherby, H. F. 1928-29. Some new British Birds and other alterations to the British List. British Birds 22: 98-102.

Witherby, H. F. 1929-30. Eastern Little Bustard in Norfolk and Scotland. British Birds 23: 24.

Witherby, H. F. 1930-31. New British Birds and Alterations to the British List. British Birds 24: 22-25.

Witherby, H. F. 1932-33. New British Birds and alterations to the British List. British Birds 26: 8-16.

Witherby, H. F. 1934-35. Additions and alterations to the British List. British Birds 28: 90-96.

Witherby, H. F. 1937-38. Western Little Bustard in Yorkshire. A new British Bird. British Birds 31: 334.

Witherby, H. F. 1937-38. Additions and Alterations to the British List. British Birds 31: 7-13.

Witherby, H. F. 1940-41. Caspian Tern ringed in USA found in Yorkshire. British Birds 34: 184.

Witherby, H. F. 1940-41. Caspian Tern in Yorkshire. British Birds 34: 223-224.

Witherby, H. F. & Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. On the More Important Additions to our Knowledge of British Birds since 1899. British Birds 1: 52-56, 81-85, 109-114, 147-152, 178-184, 246-256, 280-284, 314-322, 347-350.

Witherby, H. F. & Ticehurst, N. F. 1908-09. On the More important Additions to our Knowledge of British Birds since 1899. British Birds 2: 24-27, 51-57, 83-87, 125-129, 146-150, 228-229, 267-270, 305-308, 327-334, 368-375, 406-421.

Withers, J. 1863. Pallas’s Sand Grouse. Field 22: 75.

Withers, J. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse near London. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8684.

Witty, H. 1911. White-tailed Eagle on Hackness Moor, near Scarborough. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 36: 237.

Wolfendale, R. 1956. Crane in Suffolk. British Birds 49: 38-39.

Wolley, J. 1849. Occurrence of the Common Crane in Shetland. Zoologist (1st series) 7: 2352-2353.

Wolley, J. 1852. On the Specific Distinctness of the Ringed Guillemot. Zoologist (1st series) 10: 3477.

Wolley, J. 1853. Supposed occurrence of a specimen of the Severn Swallow (Hirundo bicolor, Veill.), at Derby, in 1850. Zoologist (1st series) 11: 3806-3807.

Wolstenholme, C. D. 1883. Uncommon Birds near York [American Bittern]. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 128.

Wolstenholme, P. H. G., Butterworth, J. M. & Chislett, R. 1961. Pallas's Warbler in Yorkshire. British Birds 54: 364-365.

Wonfor, T. W. 1869. Common Rosefinch. Zoologist (2nd series) 4: 1918.

Wood, B. 2020. White-crowned Sparrow, The Oa, Islay, 12 June 2019 - the first record for Argyll. Scottish Birds 40: 79-80.

Wood, K. A. 1968. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Morayshire. Scottish Birds 5: 216-217.

Wood, N. 1838. The American Wigeon taken in Lincolnshire. Naturalist (Wood's) 3: 270.

Wood, N. 1838. Snowy Owl shot in Dorsetshire. Naturalist (Wood's) 3: 48.

Woodbridge, G. 2015. Veery, North Ronaldsay, May - June 2015 - 2nd Orkney record. Scottish Birds 35: 278-279.

Woodbridge, G. & Collinson, J. M. 2021. Sykes's Warbler re-Booted. Scottish Birds 41: 67-71.

Woodbridge, K. 1988. Pallas's Rosefinch on Orkney - a new British bird. Birding World 1 (6): 197-199.

Woodbridge, K. 1992. The Siberian Thrush on Orkney. Birding World 5 (10): 377-379.

Woodburn, G. 2012. Stilt Sandpiper at Low Newton: First for Northumberland. Birds in Northumbria 2012: 196-199.

Woodburn, G. 2013. Collared Flycatcher at Low Newton: First for Northumberland. Birds in Northumbria 2013: 200-202.

Woodcock, M. 2008. The Cheshire Kermadec Petrel. British Birds 101: 211-212.

Woodcock, M. W. 1954. Red-throated Pipit in Norfolk. British Birds 47: 443-444.

Woodcock, M. W. & Jackson, N. C. 1982. Northern Waterthrush. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 14: 52-53.

Woodhead, M. 1995. Dusky Warbler, Arley, November 19th 1995. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1995: 96.

Woodley, R. 1987. Black-headed Bunting at Dungeness. Twitching 1: 181-182.

Woods, E. A. 1934. Woodchat in Kent. Field 163: 1190.

Woods, L. 2005. The Trumpeter Finches in Suffolk and Kent. Birding World 18 (5): 206-210.

Woods, L. 2005. Trumpeter Finch - second for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 55: 168.

Woodward, D. & Yates, G. M. 1977. Radde's Warbler. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 9: 51-52.

Woodward, D., Abraham, E. J., Eldridge, M. I. & Jones, C. 1976. Great Black-headed Gull off Seacombe. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1976: 42.

Wooldridge, D. B. 1970. White-rumped Sandpiper in Orkney. Scottish Birds 6: 202.

Wooldridge, D. B. 1988. Baird's Sandpiper - A new Isle of Wight species. Isle of Wight Bird Report 3: 81.

Wooldridge, G. E. & Ballantyne, C. B. 1952. Moustached Warblers in Hampshire. British Birds 45: 219-220.

Woollcombe, H. 1890. Little Bittern in Devon. Zoologist (3rd series) 14: 105.

Workman, W. B. 1961. Myrtle Warbler in Devon. British Birds 54: 250-251.

Workman, W. B. 1963. Baltimore Oriole on Lundy, Devon (1958). British Birds 56: 52-55.

Workman, W. H. 1902. Ornithological Notes from the West Coast of Scotland. Zoologist (4th series) 6: 423-427.

Wormald, jun., J. 1919. The Great Snipe in Lanarkshire. Field 134: 490.

Wormell, P. 1972. Lesser Grey Shrike in the Inner Hebrides. Scottish Birds 7: 96.

Wormwell, C. 2003. The Steppe Grey Shrike on the Isle of Man. Birding World 16 (6): 248-251.

Wotton, M. 2000. Fair Isle … Shetland, Scotland 1950. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Report 2000: 21-26.

Wotton, M. J. 1950. White-winged Black Tern in Somerset. British Birds 43: 161-162.

Wraithmell, A. 2005. Black Kite at Moore NR: the first twitchable North-west record. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 2005: 119-120.

Wright, C. A. 1883. [Gyr Falcon in Sussex]. Ibis 25: 119-120.

Wright, D. 2004. Pine Bunting at Wembury - a first record for Devon. Devon Bird Report 76: 173-175.

Wright, E. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st Series) 21: 8688.

Wright, G. 1863. Pallas’s Sand Grouse. Field 21: 624.

Wright, G. 1987. Hudsonian Godwit in Devon. British Birds 80: 492-494.

Wright, G. 1987. Trumpeter Finch in Essex. British Birds 80: 499-500.

Wright, J. 1994. The Yellow-browed Bunting on Scilly. Birding World 7 (10): 410-411.

Wright, M. 1972. Song Sparrow on the Calf of Man. British Birds 65: 260-261.

Wright, M. 2003. Marsh Sandpiper - sixth for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 53: 173-174.

Wright, M. 2009. The Tufted Puffin in Kent - a new British bird. Birding World 22 (9): 374-375.

Wright, M. 2009. Tufted Puffin at Oare Marshes: A new species for Britain. Kent Bird Report 2009: 161-163.

Wright, M. 2011. Tufted Puffin in Kent: new to Britain. British Birds 104: 261-265.

Wright, M. A. 1909. Escaped Flamingo in Glamorganshire. Field 113: 198.

Wright, M. A. 1909. The Escaped Flamingo in Glamorgan. Field 113: 243.

Wright, M. A. 1960. Bridled Tern in Somerset. British Birds 53: 32.

Wright, N., Fisher, A. & Flood, R. L. 2019. Eastern Orphean Warbler on the Isles of Scilly: new to Britain. British Birds 112: 146-152.

Wyles, A. 1877. Red-winged Starling. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 13: 188-189.

Wyndham, J. 1871. Great Bustard on Salisbury Plain. Field 37: 70.

Wynn, R. B. 2002. The Stilt Sandpiper in Hampshire. Birding World 15 (7): 282-283.

Wynn, R. B. 2002. Stilt Sandpiper: A new species for Hampshire. Hampshire Bird Report 2002: 198-201.

Wynn, R. B. 2013. Balearic Woodchat Shrike on Westray, Orkney, 26 May 2013 - the first Scottish record. Scottish Birds 33: 273-274.

Wynn, R. B. & Yésou, P. 2007. The changing status of Balearic Shearwater in northwest European waters. British Birds 100: 392-406.

Wynne, B. W. 1874. Roller near Abergele. Field 44: 485.

Wynne-Edwards, V. C. 1957. Harlequin Duck in Shetland. British Birds 50: 445-447.

Wynne-Edwards, V. C. & Campbell, J. W. 1951. Red-headed Bunting at Stonehaven. Scottish Naturalist 63: 128-129.

Wynne-Edwards, V. C. & Campbell, J. W. 1955. A White-billed Northern Diver at Spey Bay, Morayshire. Scottish Naturalist 67: 109.

Wynne-Edwards, V. C. & Campbell, J. W. 1955. Great Snipe in South Perthshire. Scottish Naturalist 67: 114.


