Tait, A. M. 1969. Roller on Islay. Scottish Birds 5: 391.
Tait, C. S. 1968. Woodchat Shrike in East Lothian. Scottish Birds 5: 176-177.
Tait, C. S. 1970. Dowitcher in Inner Hebrides. Scottish Birds 6: 41-42.
Tait, C. S. 1970. Gull-billed Terns in Stirlingshire. Scottish Birds 6: 45-46.
Talbot, D. R. 1972. Great Snipe at Sandbach. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 20-21.
Talbot, D. R. 1972. Semipalmated Sandpiper in Cheshire. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 23-24.
Talbot, D. R. 1972. Least Sandpiper at Frodsham, Cheshire. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 24-25.
Talbot, D. R. 1972. Broad-billed Sandpiper at Sandbach, Cheshire. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 25.
Talbot, D. R. 1974. Whiskered Tern at Redesmere. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1974: 26.
Talbot, D. R. 1974. Pectoral Sandpiper being mobbed by Sparrow. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1974: 27.
Talbot, D. R. 1974. Lesser Yellowlegs at Sandbach. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1974: 27.
Talbot, D. R. & Murphy, A. J. 1973. Possible Red-necked Stint in Cheshire. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1973: 37.
Talbot, W. 1876-77. The Birds of Wakefield. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 2: 5-7.
Talbot-Ponsonby, C. G. 1922. Great Snipe in Caithness. Field 140: 539.
Tallack, R. 2018. Black-billed Cuckoo, Dale of Walls, 18 September 2017 - second record for Shetland. Scottish Birds 38: 76-77.
Tallett, P. 1972. Greenland Falcon at Staley Brushes. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 28.
Tapsell, P. 2005. Historical Bird Notes from Seaton Sluice-Tynemouth. Birds in Northumbria 2005: 237-247.
Tarrant, M. 1982. Broad-billed Sandpiper at Saltfleetby, May 26th, 1982. Lincolnshire Bird Report 6: 50-51.
Tarrant, M. & Clarkson, B. 2002. The Lesser Sand Plover in Lincolnshire. Birding World 15 (5): 212-218.
Tarrant, S. 2008. The Steppe Grey Shrike in Lincolnshire. Birding World 21 (11): 457-460.
Tate, G. 1863-68. Notes of Falco rufipes: the Orange-legged Hobby. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 5: 439-440.
Tate, R. 1865. Common Crane in Shetland. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 1: 184.
Tatum, J. & Tatum, E. 1942-43. Flamingo in Sussex. British Birds 36: 74-75.
Tawse, W. 1935. Little Bustard in Aberdeenshire. Field 165: 448.
Taylor, A. 2016. Mourning Dove, Lerwick, December 2015-January 2016 - the first record for Shetland. Scottish Birds 36: 185-187.
Taylor, A. M. 1981. American Kestrel: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 74: 199-203.
Taylor, A. M. & Campey, R. J. 1981. Rüppell's Warbler in Devon. British Birds 74: 528-530.
Taylor, B. A. 2017. White-throated Needletail, Barra, Outer Hebrides, 22 June 2017 - the sixth Scottish record. Scottish Birds 37: 366-368.
Taylor, B. A. 2017. American Redstart, Barra, Outer Hebrides, 7-17 September 2017 - the second Scottish record. Scottish Birds 37: 371-374.
Taylor, B. A. 2020. Brown Shrike, Barra, 3-5 November 2019 - the second Outer Hebrides record. Scottish Birds 40: 186-189.
Taylor, B. A. 2021. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Cuithir, Isle of Barra, Outer Hebrides, 12-28th November 2020 - the first British record. Scottish Birds 41: 267-270.
Taylor, B. A. 2022. Ruby-crowned Kinglet in the Outer Hebrides: new to Britain. British Birds 115: 324-329.
Taylor, B. A., Taylor, K. & Ricketts, I. 2024. Fall of North American passerines on Barra, Outer Hebrides, September 2023. Scottish Birds 44: 167-172.
Taylor, D. W. 1991. Species new to Kent: White-throated Needletail at Wierton. Kent Bird Report 1991: 92.
Taylor, E. 1863. Pallas’s Sand Grouse. Field 21: 624.
Taylor, E. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Essex. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8684-8685.
Taylor, G., Garner, M. & McLoughlin, J. 2007. The Pacific Diver in North Yorkshire - a new Western Palearctic bird. Birding World 20 (1): 20-25.
Taylor, I. 1968. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Stirlingshire. Scottish Birds 5: 216.
Taylor, I. 1969. Firecrest on Isle of May. Scottish Birds 5: 397-398.
Taylor, J. 1853. Occurrence of Rare Land Birds in Aberdeenshire. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 3: 139-140.
Taylor, J. 2016. Isabelline Wheatear near Wardy Hill, new to Cambrideshire. Cambridgeshire Bird Report 2016: 134-135.
Taylor, J. E. 1875. Rare birds. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 11: 41.
Taylor, J. E. 1880. Bulwer's Petrel. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 16: 18.
Taylor, J. E. 1881. The Laughing Gull (Larus atricilla). Hardwicke's Science Gossip 17: 90.
Taylor, J. E. 1888. Irruption of Pallas's Sand-grouse. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 24: 164.
Taylor, J. E. 1892. The Siberian Sandpiper. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 28: 237.
Taylor, J. P. 2000. Isabelline Shrike at Nene Washes: New to Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire Bird Report 2000: 109-111.
Taylor, J. P. 2016. Isabelline Wheatear near Wardy Hill: New to Cambrideshire. Cambridgeshire Bird Report 2016: 134-135.
Taylor, K. D. 1999. Franklin's Gull at Willen Lake. Buckinghamshire Bird Report 1999: 22.
Taylor, L. S. 1964. Snowy Owl in Shetland. Scottish Birds 3: 32-33.
Taylor, M. E. 2005. White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla at Beeley Moor and Hartland Edge: a new species for the Society. Derbyshire Bird Report 2005: 140.
Taylor, R. 1875. Solitary Snipe at Hexham. Field 46: 416.
Taylor, R. 1999. Lesser Scaup - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 26: 66.
Taylor, R. 2003. Melodious Warbler - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 29: 76-77.
Taylor, R. 2006. Wilson's Petrel - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 32: 106-107.
Taylor, R. J. F. 1946. Ferruginous Duck in Northamptonshire. British Birds 39: 183.
Taylor, S. K. 1944-45. Red-breasted Flycatchers seen in Wiltshire and Hampshire. British Birds 38: 173-174.
Taylor, W. 1874. Caspian Tern at Birmingham. Zoologist (2nd series) 9: 4036-4037.
Tearle, F. 1855. Bartram's Sandpiper. Illustrated London News 1:
Tearle, F. 1855. Bartram's Sandpiper. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 5: 49-50.
Tearle, F. 1863. Pallas’s Sand Grouse. Field 22: 15.
Tearle, F. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Norfolk. Zoologist (1st Series) 21: 8686.
Tearle, F. 1881. Note on the Masked Gull. Field 57: 313.
Tearle, F. 1881. Reported occurrence of Larus atricilla near Newmarket. Field 57: 433.
Tegetmeier, W. B. 1889. Early Occurrence of the Little Bustard in Norfolk. Field 74: 350.
Tegetmeier, W. B. 1895. Sale of Great Auk and Egg. Field 85: 595.
Tegetmeier, W. B. 1897. The White-eyed Duck in Devon. Field 90: 788.
Temperley, G. W. 1935. Roller in Northumberland. Vasculum 1: 113.
Temperley, G. W. 1942-43. Two-barred Crossbills in County Durham. British Birds 36: 225.
Temperley, G. W. 1944. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1943. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 70: 111-117.
Temperley, G. W. 1945. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1944. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 71: 97-104.
Temperley, G. W. 1946. Arctic Redpolls in Northumberland. British Birds 39: 150-151.
Temperley, G. W. 1946. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1945. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 72: 115-131.
Temperley, G. W. 1947. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1946. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 73: 119-130.
Temperley, G. W. 1948. Blue-winged Teal in Northumberland. British Birds 41: 350.
Temperley, G. W. 1948. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1947. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 74: 117-131.
Temperley, G. W. 1949. Red-breasted Flycatcher in County Durham. British Birds 42: 23.
Temperley, G. W. 1949. Ferruginous Duck in County Durham. British Birds 42: 61.
Temperley, G. W. 1949. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1948. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 75: 115-131.
Temperley, G. W. 1950. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1949. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 76: 109-117.
Temperley, G. W. 1955. Parrot Crossbill in Northumberland. British Birds 48: 135.
Temple, A. S. 1960. Snowy Owl in Kincardineshire. Scottish Birds 1: 238.
Templer, G. A. 1896. Great Snipe in Essex - Reeve in Hants. Field 88: 494.
Templer, G. A. 1896. Great Snipe in Essex and Reeve in Hants. Zoologist (3rd series) 20: 384.
Teschemaker, W. E. 1921. The American Robin in England. Field 137: 685.
Tetley, H. 1935-36. American Pectoral Sandpiper in Somerset. British Birds 29: 183-185.
Tetley, H. 1938-39. Western Little Bustard in Somerset. British Birds 32: 199.
Thearle, R. 1954. Greenish Warbler on Bardsey Island. British Birds 47: 408.
Thearle, R. 1955. Melodious Warbler on Bardsey. British Birds 48: 284.
Thearle, R. 1956. Melodious Warbler on Bardsey. British Birds 49: 232-233.
Thearle, R. 1956. Richard's Pipit on Bardsey. British Birds 49: 329.
Theb, J. G. 1876. Sandwich Tern and other birds at Filey. Field 47: 22.
Thelwell, D. 2006. White-throated Robin on Skokholm: new to Britain. British Birds 99: 361-364.
Thiel, A. 2005. Bonaparte's Gull, Peterhead - a first for North-East Scotland. Birding Scotland 8 (2): 63-65.
Thiel, A. 2005. Bonaparte's Gull at Peterhead - a first for North-East Scotland. North-east Scotland Bird Report 2005: 121-123.
Thin, R. G. 1952. White-billed Northern Diver seen in East Lothian. Scottish Naturalist 64: 120-121.
Thomas, C. C. 1992. The Spectacled Warbler in Yorkshire - a new British bird. Birding World 5 (5): 181-182.
Thomas, C. C. 2006. The Two-barred Greenish Warbler in North Yorkshire. Birding World 19 (10): 435-436.
Thomas, C. C. 2010. The Eastern Olivaceous Warbler in East Yorkshire. Birding World 23 (9): 396-398.
Thomas, C. C., Harbird, R. E. & Dunn, P. J. 1998. Spectacled Warbler in North Yorkshire: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 91: 225-230.
Thomas, J. F. 1938-39. Western Little Bustard in Carmarthenshire. British Birds 32: 199.
Thomas, M. 2007. The Turkestan Isabelline Shrike in East Yorkshire. Birding World 20 (10): 429-431.
Thomas, M. 2008. The Two-barred Crossbill in North Yorkshire. Birding World 21 (11): 461.
Thomas, M. & Spindloe, K. 2002. Bee-eaters nesting in County Durham. Birding World 15 (8): 325-327.
Thomas, M. H. 1944-45. Snowy Owls in Cornwall and Devon. British Birds 38: 374-375.
Thomas, R. 2005. Possibly and probably - what's the difference ? British Birds 98: 431-432.
Thomason, B. H. 2003. Black Duck at Dales Voe, Delting: third Shetland record. Shetland Bird Report 34: 104.
Thomason, B. H. 2007. Calandra Lark at Baltasound: first for Shetland away from Fair isle. Shetland Bird Report 38: 107.
Thomason, B. H. 2008. The Ivory Gull on Fetlar, Shetland. Birding World 21 (12): 498-499.
Thomason, B. H. 2024. Pacific Diver, Colgrave Sound, off Brough, Fetlar, 19 May 2023 - second Shetland record. Scottish Birds 44: 367-370.
Thomason, B. H. & Maher, M. 2007. Greater Yellowlegs on Foula: first-for Shetland. Shetland Bird Report 38: 106.
Thomason, B. H., Maher, M. & Pennington, M. G. 2003. The Sykes's Warbler in Shetland. Birding World 16 (11): 466-469.
Thomason, B. H., Maher, M. & Pennington, M. G. 2003. Sykes's Warbler at Halligarth: 2nd for SBC area, 4th Shetland record. Shetland Bird Report 34: 110-111.
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Thomason, G. 1965. White-winged Black Tern in Outer Hebrides: a new Scottish bird. Scottish Birds 3: 258.
Thomason, G. 1965. Lesser Grey Shrike in Outer Hebrides. Scottish Birds 3: 259-260.
Thompson, A. J. B. 1946. American Wigeon in Gloucestershire. British Birds 39: 220.
Thompson, A. L. 1914. Rare Birds in Aberdeenshire in 1913. Scottish Naturalist 34: 201-202.
Thompson, C. D. 1881. Great Snipe in Durham. Field 58: 514.
Thompson, D. W. 1877-78. The Birds of the South-east of Scotland. Scottish Naturalist 4: 277-282.
Thompson, D. W. 1928. Surf Scoter in St. Andrews Bay. Scottish Naturalist 48: 25.
Thompson, E. 1968. Lesser Grey Shrike in Shetland. Scottish Birds 5: 225.
Thompson, G. 1997. Marsh Sandpiper at Musselburgh, May 1997. Lothian Bird Report 1997: 100-101.
Thompson, G. 1999. Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus on Skokholm: First Welsh record. Welsh Bird Report 13: 380.
Thompson, G. & Potts, P. 1993. Citrine Wagtail at Farlington Marshes. Hampshire Bird Report 1993: 107-110.
Thompson, I. 2014. American Robin on South Uist, 21-28 November 2013 - second record for the Outer Hebrides. Scottish Birds 34: 182-184.
Thompson, I. M. 2004. The Lesser Sand Plover at Aberlady Bay, July 2004. Birding Scotland 7 (3): 107-110.
Thompson, I. M. 2004. The Mongolian Plover in Lothian. Birding World 17 (7): 283-285.
Thompson, I. M. 2006. The Arctic Redpoll at Aberlady Bay, Lothian, Winter 2005/06. Birding Scotland 9 (1): 32-35.
Thompson, J. 1885. The Rarer Birds of Stobo. Transactions of the Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club 1: 288-294.
Thompson, J. 1886. Notes on the Birds of Stobo and Neighbourhood. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 11: 546-558.
Thompson, P. 1921. Roller at Ramsey. Essex Naturalist 19: 327.
Thompson, P. 1921. Yellowshank at West Mersea. Essex Naturalist 20: 46.
Thompson, R. H. 1884. Surf Scoter on the Coast of Lancashire. Zoologist (3rd series) 8: 29.
Thompson, W. 1838. Notes upon the Natural History of a portion of South West Scotland. Charlesworth's Magazine of Natural History 2: 18-21.
Thompson, W. 1851. Sea Birds at Weymouth. Zoologist (1st series) 9: 3054-3055.
Thompson, W. 1854. Occurrence of the Little Bustard in Dorsetshire. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4253.
Thompson, W. 1854. Occurrence of the Surf Scoter at Weymouth. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4255.
Thompson, W. 1858. Occurrence of the Glossy Ibis in Dorsetshire. Zoologist (1st series) 16: 6266-6267.
Thompson, W. 1858. Occurrence of an Eagle in Dorsetshire. Zoologist (1st series) 16: 6325.
Thompson, W. 1860. Ivory Gull. Field 16: 493.
Thompson, W. 1867. Occurrence of the Squacco Heron at Weymouth. Field 30: 31.
Thompson, W. 1867. Squacco Heron at Weymouth. Zoologist (2nd series) 2: 915.
Thompson, W. R. 1921. Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 63: 415-453.
Thompson, W. R. 1922-23. Stray notes on certain Dorsetshire Birds, made principally in the neighbourhood of Weymouth. British Birds 16: 182-187.
Thompson, W. R. 1923. Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 65: 779-781.
Thompson, W. R. 1927. Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 69: 134-138.
Thompson, W. R. 1928. Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 70: 173-174.
Thompson, W. R. 1930. A Crane at Weymouth. Field 155: 965.
Thompson, W. R. 1930. Further Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 72: 128-130.
Thompson, W. R. 1931. Ivory Gull in Weymouth Bay? Field 158: 96.
Thompson, W. R. 1933. Escaped Flamingoes. Field 159: 19.
Thompson, W. R. 1936. Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 78: 818-819.
Thompson, W. R. 1940. Notes on the Birds of Alderney. Ibis 82: 151.
Thompson, W. R. 1941. List of Species of Birds in the Dorset County Museum. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 62: 114-124.
Thompson, W. R. 1946. Little Egret in Dorset. Field 187: 221.
Thomson, A. 1882. Common Crane in Lincolnshire. Field 60: 670.
Thomson, A. 1882. Common Crane in Lincolnshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 6: 463.
Thomson, A. L. 1914. Rare Birds in Aberdeenshire in 1913. Scottish Naturalist 34: 201.
Thomson, J. G. 1916. Uncommon Birds in Orkney. Scottish Naturalist 36: 24.
Thomson, S. S. 1948. Scops Owl in Orkney. Scottish Naturalist 60: 131.
Thorne, C. J. R. & Nedderman, R. M. 1961. Little Shearwater in Norfolk. British Birds 54: 39.
Thorne, D. 2020. Aquatic Warbler, Isle of May, 27 - 29 July 2019 - the eighth record for the isle. Scottish Birds 40: 83-85.
Thorne, R. & Thorne, S. 2014. 'Asian Red-rumped Swallow' in Orkney and Highland: new to Britain. British Birds 107: 405-412.
Thorne, S. 2011. An Asian Red-rumped Swallow in Orkney - the first for Britain. Birding World 24 (9): 382-383.
Thornhill, J. S. 1993. Sociable Plover at Egginton Sewage Farm: A new bird for Derbyshire. Derbyshire Bird Report 1993: 98-100.
Thorpe, R. I. 1995. Grey-tailed Tattler in Wales: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 88: 255-262.
Thorpe, R. I. 2020. 'Masked Wagtail' in Pembrokeshire: new to Britain. British Birds 113: 293-295.
Thorpe, S. 1995. White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus near Belper: A new bird for Derbyshire. Derbyshire Bird Report 1995: 119-121.
Thurnall, W. 1863. Capture of the Erne or Sea Eagle in Bedfordshire. Field 21: 339.
Thursby, J. H. 1884. Solitary Snipe near Kingussie. Field 64: 396.
Ticehurst, A. F. 1897. Rare Warblers in Sussex. Zoologist (4th series) 1: 333.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1907-08. Sociable Plover in Kent. British Birds 1: 57.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1908-09. Aquatic Warbler in Cornwall. British Birds 2: 28.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1909-10. White Stork in Kent. British Birds 3: 128.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1909-10. Rare birds in Sussex. British Birds 3: 257.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1909-10. Corsican Woodchat in Kent. British Birds 3: 369.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1909-10. Lesser Kestrel in Yorkshire. British Birds 3: 375-376.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1912-13. Barred Warbler in Suffolk. British Birds 6: 220.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1926. A New Norfolk Bird. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society. 12: 263.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1928. Pectoral Sandpiper in Caithness. Scottish Naturalist 48: 168.
Ticehurst, C. B. 1937-38. Great Reed Warbler in Kent. British Birds 31: 120-121.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1898. Pectoral Sandpiper in Kent. Zoologist (4th series) 2: 480.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1903. On occurrence of Bulwer's Petrel in Sussex. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists'Club 13: 51.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1903. Some Notes of Rare Birds from Kent and Sussex. Zoologist (4th series) 7: 418-422.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. Lesser Grey Shrike in Kent. British Birds 1: 188.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. Snow Finch in Kent. British Birds 1: 189.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. The Semi-palmated Sandpiper (Ereunetes pusillus) in Kent. A new British and European bird. British Birds 1: 223.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. American Pectoral Sandpiper in Sussex. British Birds 1: 230.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. Red-breasted Snipe in Kent. British Birds 1: 231.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1907-08. Bonaparte's Sandpiper in Kent. British Birds 1: 231.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1908-09. Killdeer Plover in Kent. British Birds 2: 169-170.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1908-09. Solitary Sandpiper in Kent. British Birds 2: 170-171.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1908-09. The First British example of the Red-throated Pipit. British Birds 2: 279.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1909-10. The Black Wheatear (Saxicola leucura (Gm.)) in Sussex: A new British bird. British Birds 3: 289-292.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1909-10. Additions to the Booth Museum. British Birds 3: 294-295.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1910-11. Black-winged Stilt in Sussex. British Birds 4: 252-253.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1911-12. Review of 'Catalogue of Cases of Birds in the Dyke Road Museum, Brighton.'
By E. T. Booth; with further notes by A. F. Griffith. British Birds 5: 119-120.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1911-12. Black-throated Thrush in Kent. British Birds 5: 50.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1911-12. Isabelline Wheatear in Sussex. British Birds 5: 74.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1912-13. White-spotted Bluethroat in Sussex. British Birds 6: 187.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1912-13. Little Dusky Shearwater in Kent. British Birds 6: 314-315.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1919-20. Dark-breasted Barn Owl in Kent. British Birds 13: 275.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1919-20. The Birds of Bardsey. British Birds 13: 66-75.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1927-28. Alpine Swift in Wiltshire. British Birds 21: 178-179.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1929-30. Review of 'A History of the Birds of Essex', by William E. Glegg. British Birds 23: 46-48.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1934-35. Broad-billed Sandpiper seen in Sussex. British Birds 28: 209-210.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1936-37. Collared Flycatcher in Sussex. British Birds 30: 292-293.
Ticehurst, N. F. 1938-39. Dark-breasted Barn Owls in Kent and Sussex. British Birds 32: 273-274.
Ticehurst, N. F. & Morley, A. 1937-38. Marsh Sandpipers seen in Kent and Sussex. British Birds 31: 197-198.
Tickell, W. L. N. 1968. The Bass Rock albatross. British Birds 61: 272-273.
Tinkler, J. E. 1884. Ornithological Notes from North-west Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 8: 131-139.
Tizzard, P. 1972. Rose-coloured Starling in Sutherland. Scottish Birds 7: 97.
Todd, A. 2000. White-tailed Eagle: first in county for 134 years. Fife Bird Report 21: 177.
Todd, C. 1985. Yellow-rumped Warbler. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 17: 61-62.
Tomalin, W. 1904. Nutcracker in Northamptonshire. Field 103: 580.
Tombs, jun., W. 1852. Rose-coloured Pastor. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 2: 19.
Tombs, jun., W. 1852. Glossy Ibis. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 2: 19.
Tomes, R. F. 1859. On the occurrence of White's Thrush (Oreocincla aurea) near Stratford-on-Avon, with remarks on the genera Oreocincla, Turdus, and Morula. Ibis 1: 379-389.
Tomison, J. 1903. Crane and other Migratory Birds at the Pentland Skerries. Annals of Scottish Natural History 12: 186.
Tomison, J. 1907. Bird-life as observed at Skerryvore Lighthouse. Annals of Scottish Natural History 16: 20-31.
Tomison, J. 1907. Yellow-browed Warbler at Skerryvore Lighthouse. Annals of Scottish Natural History 16: 51.
Tomlinson, D. 1970. Little Egret in Scotland. Scottish Birds 6: 197.
Tomlinson, D. 1991. The status of Red-headed Bunting. Birding World 4 (9): 313-314.
Tomlinson, M. R. 1914. Richard's Pipit in Midlothian. Scottish Naturalist 34: 19-20.
Tongue, A. 2020. Rufous-tailed Robin, Fetlar, 6 October 2019 - the second record for Shetland. Scottish Birds 40: 180-181.
Took, G. E. 1932-33. Alpine Accentor seen in Kent. British Birds 26: 275.
Topham, J. E. 1880. Tengmam's Owl and Rough-legged Buzzard in Lincolnshire. Field 56: 805.
Topliss, N. 1995. Blue-winged Teal Anas discors at Willington Gravel Pits: A new bird for Derbyshire. Derbyshire Bird Report 1995: 118-119.
Torre, H. J. 1838. A List of Birds found in Middlesex. Wood's Naturalist 3: 420-422.
Tower, C. J. H. 1908-09. White-tailed Eagle in Essex. British Birds 2: 383.
Townsend, A. D. 1965. Solitary Sandpiper in Lincolnshire. British Birds 58: 191-192.
Townsend, C. T. 1875. Little Bustard at Walton-on-the-Naze. Zoologist (2nd series) 1: 4339-4340.
Townsend, G. 1902. Great Black Woodpecker. Zoologist (4th series) 6: 25-26.
Townsend, T. 1838. Capture of the White-tailed Eagle, on the Suffolk Coast, February 22nd, 1838. Charlesworth's Magazine of Natural History 2: 292-293.
Tracy, F. W. 1878. White Stork in Suffolk. Field 51: 460.
Tracy, J. 1850. Catalogue of Birds taken in Pembrokeshire, with Observations on their Habits, Manners, etc. Zoologist (1st series) 8: 2639-2642, 3045-3049.
Traquair, R. H. 1897. Rare British Animals recently added to the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Annals of Scottish Natural History 6: 224-225.
Travis, J. 1881. Woodchat Shrike. Proceedings of the Essex Field Club 1: 63.
Travis, R. 1987. White-billed Diver at Audenshaw (a first county record). Greater Manchester Bird Report 12: 29.
Travis, T. 1880. Great Bustards in Essex. Field 55: 186.
Travis, T. 1880. Great Bustard in Essex and Cambridgeshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 4: 110.
Trigg, N. 1987. Black-and-White Warbler in Devon. Twitching 1: 339-340.
Trist, J. H. 1896. Aquatic Warbler in Norfolk. Field 88: 569.
Tristram, E. 1903. Reported occurrence of Red-breasted Flycatcher. Field 102: 138.
Tristram, H. B. 1854. Occurrence of the Little Olivaceous Gallinule (Ortygometra pusilla) at Balbriggan. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4298-4299.
Tristram, H. B. 1856. Pelican found dead on the Coast of Durham. Zoologist (1st series) 14: 5321.
Tristram, H. B. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Durham. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8689.
Tristram, H. B. 1889. Note on Emberiza cioides, Brandt. Ibis 31: 293-294.
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