Babbs, S. 1997. Thrush Nightingale - fourth for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 47: 151-152.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1881. Ivory Gull in Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 5: 108.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1882. White's Thrush in Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 6: 74.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1883. Occurrence of the American Kestrel in Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 126.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1883. Uncommon Birds near York. Zoologist (3rd series) 7: 180.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1884. The American Kestrel in Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 8: 230.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1886. A Yorkshire specimen of Sturnus unicolor, and other uncommon birds, in a York collection. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 1: 307-308.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1890. Eastern Turtle Dove in Yorkshire. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 15: 258.

Backhouse, jun., J. 1892. Baillon's Crake near Pocklington, and White Varities of the Jay near York. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 17: 308.

Backhouse, T. P. 1920. Glossy Ibis in South Devon. British Birds 14: 138-139.

Backhouse, T. P. 1920. Red-crested Pochard and Gadwall in Devon. British Birds 14:162-163.

Backhouse, T. P. 1921. Squacco Heron in Devon. British Birds 14: 234.

Backhouse, W. 1846. Additions to Mr. Hogg's Catalogue of Birds observed in South-eastern Durham , and North-western Cleveland. Zoologist (1st series) 4: 1261-1263.

Bacon, L., French, P. R. and the Rarities Committee. 2023. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2022. British Birds 116: 546-602.

Bacon, L., French, P. R. and the Rarities Committee. 2024. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2023. British Birds 117: 664-736.

Bacon, L., Hawkes, M. & Hughes, J. 2005. Peterborough Museum Records. Cambridgeshire Bird Report 79: 158-159.

Badley, J. & Hyde, P. 2006. The Black-eared Kite in Lincolnshire - a new British bird. Birding World 19 (11): 465-470.

Bagnall-Oakeley, R. P. 1949. Photographing the American Pectoral Sandpiper at Salthouse. British Birds 42: 145-146.

Bagnall-Oakeley, R. P. 1954. White-spotted Bluethroat in Norfolk. British Birds 47: 273.

Bagnall-Oakeley, R. P. 1955. Short-toed Larks in Norfolk. British Birds 48: 36-38.

Baggott, C., Helberg, M. & Muusse, M. 2018. Breeding 'Baltic Gulls' from the Hosvær archipelago in Norway and the occurrence of such birds in Britain. British Birds 111: 499-511.

Bagot, C. F. H. 1875. Solitary Snipe at Castle Rising, Norfolk. Field 46: 416.

Baigrie, S. 1917. Red-breasted Flycatcher and Black Redstart on the Isle of May. Scottish Naturalist 37: 6.

Baikie, W. B. 1853. Additions to the List of Birds of Orkney and Zetland. Zoologist (1st series) 11: 3843.

Bailey, M. 1897. Flamborough Bird Notes. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 22: 80.

Baillie, R. H. 1955. Kentish Plover in Cardiganshire. British Birds 48: 415.

Baillie, R. S. 1965. Dowitcher in Dunbartonshire. Scottish Birds 3: 255-256.

Bain, J. 1912. Red-breasted Flycatcher at the Pentland Skerries. Scottish Naturalist 32: 278.

Bain, J. 1913. On the occurrence of the Gull-billed Tern in Orkney. Scottish Naturalist 33: 154.

Bain, J. 1916. Uncommon Birds in Orkney. Scottish Naturalist 36: 23-24.

Bain, J. 1935. Uncommon Birds at Noss Head, Caithness. Scottish Naturalist 55: 34.

Bain, S. 2004. Little Bittern on St Kilda, May 2004. Birding Scotland 7 (3): 111-114.

Baines, R. 1988. Black-eared Wheatear in Sussex. Birding World 1 (5): 167.

Baines, R. 2007. The Brown flycatcher in East Yorkshire. Birding World 20 (10): 425-428.

Bak, F. A. 1948. Red-breasted Flycatcher in Leicestershire. British Birds 41: 183-184.

Baker, J. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Cambridgeshire. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8722.

Baker, J. R. & Catley, G. P. 1987. Yellow-browed Warblers in Britain and Ireland, 1968-85. British Birds 80: 93-109.

Baker, P. 2000. The Fan-tailed Warblers in Dorset. Birding World 13 (5): 198-199.

Baker, P. 2010. Red-necked Stint at Ferrybridge - the first Dorset record. Dorset Bird Report 2010: 194.

Baker, T. 1986. Pacific Golden Plover at Tetney/North Cotes, July-August 1986. Lincolnshire Bird Report 10: 49-50.

Baker, W. 1850. On the Capture, Habits and Change of Plumage in the Black Stork. Zoologist (1st series) 8: 2700.

Baker, W. 1851. The Somersetshire Fauna. Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological & Natural History Society 1: 140-148.

Bakewell, D. N. 1983. Wilson's Phalarope at Minsmere - 6th to 8th June 1983. Suffolk Birds 33: 60-61.

Bakewell, D. N. 1988. Red-eyed Vireo - first for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 38: 123.

Baldwin, E. T. 1877. Purple Gallinule in Lancashire. Zoologist (3rd series) 1: 381-382.

Bale, J. 1988. Penduline Tit at Pett Pools, October 1987 - new to Sussex. Sussex Bird Report 1988: 88.

Balfour, E. 1954. Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata) in Orkney. Scottish Naturalist 66: 190-191.

Balfour, E. 1956. Crane in Orkney. British Birds 49: 38.

Balfour, E. 1957. Spring and Summer Notes from Orkney. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 3: 196-198.

Balfour, E. 1959. Great Spotted Cuckoo in Orkney. Scottish Birds 1: 152-153.

Balfour, E. 1959. Rollers in Orkney. Scottish Birds 1: 96-97.

Balfour, E. 1961. Tengmalm's Owl in Orkney. Scottish Birds 1: 453-454.

Balfour, E. 1962. Autumn Migration in Orkney, 1961. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 4: 226-227.

Balfour, E. 1963. Surf Scoter in Orkney. Scottish Birds 2: 306.

Balfour, E. 1963. Collared Flycatcher in Orkney. Scottish Birds 2: 478.

Balfour, E. 1964. Snowy Owl in Orkney. Scottish Birds 3: 33-34.

Balfour, E. 1965. Scops Owl in Orkney. Scottish Birds 3: 417.

Balfour, E. 1966. Lesser Grey Shrike in Orkney. Scottish Birds 4: 232-233.

Balfour, E. 1966. Black Kite in Orkney. Scottish Birds 4: 295-296.

Balfour, E. 1966. Bee-eaters in Orkney. Scottish Birds 4: 310.

Balfour, E. 1966. Pratincole in Orkney. Scottish Birds 4: 90.

Balfour, E. 1967. Gyr Falcon in Orkney. Scottish Birds 4: 371.

Balfour, E. 1968. Red-footed Falcon in Orkney. Scottish Birds 5: 215-216.

Balfour, E. 1968. Black-headed Bunting in Orkney. Scottish Birds 5: 225-226.

Balfour, E. 1969. Sociable Plovers in Orkney. Scottish Birds 5: 467-468.

Balfour, E. 1970. Black Kite in Orkney. Scottish Birds 6: 38-39.

Balfour, E. 1971. White-rumped Sandpiper in Orkney. Scottish Birds 6: 446.

Balfour, E. & Stark, D. M. 1968. Firecrest in Orkney. Scottish Birds 5: 224.

Ball, A. 1987. Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Rauceby Warren, October 18th - 19th. Lincolnshire Bird Report 11: 65-66.

Ball, L. 2020. White-rumped Swift in Yorkshire: new to Britain. British Birds 113: 171-175.

Ball, M. E. 1972. Nutcrackers in Peebleshire. Scottish Birds 7: 56.

Ball, P. H. 1930. Alpine Swift in Norfolk. Field 156: 654.

Ball, R. 1833. On a New British Species of Cuckoo. Rennie's Field Naturalist 1: 6-8.

Ball, R. 1843. Occurrence of the Great Spotted Cuckoo. Annals & Magazine of Natural History 12: 149.

Ball, R. 1846. The Spotted or Silver Eagle. Zoologist (1st series) 4: 1246.

Ball, S. 1972. Gyr Falcon at Parkgate. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 27.

Ballance, D. K. 2003. Systematic List. Somerset Birds 2003: 158-171.

Ballance, D. K. 2004. List of reports: autumn 2003. British Birds 97: 76-91.

Ballance, D. K. 2005. More records retrieved and corrected. Somerset Birds 2005: 164-168.

Ballance, D. K. 2006. Further records retrieved. Somerset Birds 2006: 153-156.

Ballance, D. K. & Smith, A. J. 2008. Recording areas of Great Britain. British Birds 101: 364-375.

Ballance, D. K. & Smith, A. J. 2009. Recording areas of Great Britain. British Birds 102: 139.

Banister, J. D. 1843. Note on the occurrence of rare British Birds near Garstang, Lancashire. Zoologist (1st series) 1: 145.

Bankart, E. 1899. The King Eider in Shetland. Field 93: 505.

Banker, J. 1853. Rare birds near Plymouth. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 3: 204.

Bankes, A. 1911-12. Roller in Devonshire. British Birds 5: 136.

Bankes, E. R. 1893. Woodchat in the Isle of Purbeck. Field 81: 635.

Bankes, E. R. 1893. Woodchat in the Isle of Purbeck. Field 81: 678.

Bannerman, D.A . 1903. White-tailed Eagle [in Scotland]. Zoologist (4th series) 7: 458-459.

Barber, S. 1992. BBRC Species in Cheshire and Wirral - A Retrospective. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1992: 77-82.

Barber, S. 1994. A Review of the occurrence of Scarce and Rare Species in Cheshire & Wirral 1981-94. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1994: 88-91.

Barber, S. & Barber, G. 1997. White-tailed Eagle, Farmwood Pool, October 28th 1997: The first Cheshire & Wirral record this century. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1997: 15-16.

Barbier, P. G. R. 1958. An Annotated List of Birds observed in East Montgomeryshire. Nature in Wales 4: 624-628.

Barbier, P. G. R. 1967. Red-headed Buntings in Britain and Ireland. British Birds 60: 344-345.

Barbier, P. G. R. 1968. The Citril Finch as a 'British' bird. British Birds 61: 92-93.

Barchard, G. 1890. Stork in Holderness. Field 76: 214.

Barclay, M. 1933-34. Little Bunting seen in Northumberland. British Birds 27: 47-48.

Barclay, M. 1936-37. White-tailed Eagle in Norfolk. British Birds 30: 228-229.

Barden, P. J. 2010. Breeding attempt by Ring-billed Gull in Scotland in 2009. Scottish Birds 30: 31-32.

Barker, D. 1992. The Red-fronted Serin in Suffolk. Birding World 5 (6): 220-221.

Barker, D. J. 1978. Porthgwarra, 1966-1977. Birds in Cornwall 48: 97-113.

Barker, S. & Collinson, J. M. 2024. First confirmed 'Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat' for Norfolk. British Birds 117: 278-279.

Barmby, A. 1983. Roller near Woodhall Spa, October, 1983. Lincolnshire Bird Report 7: 54.

Barnard, L. 1916. Ivory Gull on the West Coast of Scotland. Scottish Naturalist 36: 95.

Barnden, D. 2012. Veery, Isle of Muck, 16-24 November 2012. Scottish Birds 32: 71-73.

Barnes, E. 2011. Sandhill Crane at Newbiggin: First for Northumberland. Birds in Northumbria 2011: 194-196.

Barnes, G. J. 1966. Harlequin Duck at Fair Isle. Scottish Birds 4: 83-84.

Barnes, G. J. 1973. White's Thrush on Fair Isle. Scottish Birds 7: 261.

Barnes, J. A. G. 1944-45. Black-winged Stilt in Suffolk. British Birds 38: 376.

Barnes, J. A. G. 1954. Night Heron in Lancashire. British Birds 47: 352.

Barnes, K. & R. 2021. Cattle Egret, Loch of Strathbeg RSPB reserve, 3-5 September 2020 - first record for North-east Scotland. Scottish Birds 41: 77.

Barrett, A. 2010. Bufflehead at West Bexington and The Fleet - the first Dorset record. Dorset Bird Report 2010: 193.

Barrett, J. H. & Pickup, J. D. 1960. Rock Bunting in Pembrokeshire. British Birds 53: 35-36.

Barrett, K. 1974. Semipalmated Sandpiper at Ripple Level, Barking. Essex Bird Report 1974: 60-61.

Barrett, K. 1992. Pine Bunting at Dagenham Chase: A first for Essex - 12th February to 17th March 1992. Essex Bird Report 1992: 135-136.

Barrett, M. 1988. Moussier's Redstart in Dyfed - a new British bird. Birding World 1 (5): 160-161.

Barrett, M. 1992. Moussier's Redstart: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 85: 108-111.

Barrington. 1952. Cranes over Sussex. Field 200: 380.

Barron, C. 1857. Occurrence of the White-tailed Eagle at Haslar. Zoologist (1st series) 15: 5426.

Barrow, R. K. 1968. Red-footed Falcon in Sutherland. Scottish Birds 5: 210, 215.

Barry, P. 1992. Pine Grosbeak in Lerwick. Shetland Bird Report 23: 110.

Bartholomew, J. 1914. Yellow-browed Warbler in Kirkcudbrightshire. Scottish Naturalist 34: 20-21.

Bartlett, J. P. 1844. Notes on the Ornithology of Kent. Zoologist (1st series) 2: 617-628.

Bartlett, J. P. 1862. Occurrence of the Short-toed Lark and other rare Birds in Hampshire. Zoologist (1st series) 20: 7930-7931.

Barton, B. A. B. 1958. Desert Wheatear in Essex. British Birds 51: 275-276.

Barton, I., Martin, B. & Oates, J. 2005. White-tailed Eagle: Second County record since the 19th century. Cambridgeshire Bird Report 79: 185-186.

Basterfield, E. C. 1985. Parula Warbler. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 17: 60.

Bates, B. S. 1986. White-tailed Plover in Tyne & Wear. British Birds 79: 293-294.

Bates, D. J. 1974. Kentish Plover at West Kirby in winter. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1974: 26-27.

Bates, D. J. 1983. Broad-billed Sandpiper on the Tyne Estuary. Lothian Bird Report 5: 97.

Bates, D. J. 1991. Dusky Warbler at Scoughall. Lothian Bird Report 1991: 108-109.

Bates, D. J. & Murphy, C. 1972. Short-toed Lark near Moreton. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 25-26.

Bates, F. A. 1923-24. Probable Ferruginous Duck in Flintshire. British Birds 17: 167-168.

Bates, R. S. P. 1956. Purple Heron in Surrey. British Birds 49: 148.

Batten, L. A. 2000. Iberian Chiffchaff in Greater London: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 93: 329-332.

Battersby, R. 1847. Occurrence of the Black Redstart and Harlequin Duck near Torquay. Zoologist (1st series) 5: 1697.

Batty, C. 2004. The Great Knot in Lancashire. Birding World 17 (8): 332-333.

Batty, C. 2012. Black-tailed Godwit resembling Hudsonian Godwit. Birding World 25 (7): 280-284.

Batty, C. & McInerny, C. J. 2023. The Ross’s Goose in Britain. British Birds 116: 12-25.

Baty, D. & Waterston, G. 1966. Cream-coloured Courser in East Lothian. Scottish Birds 4: 230-232.

Baxendale, Ll. S. 1880. Solitary Snipe in Berkshire. Field 56: 905.

Baxendale, Ll. S. 1881. Reported occurrence of the Great Snipe near Newbury. Field 57: 24.

Baxter, E. V. 1909. Bird Notes from the Isle of May for the year 1908. Annals of Scottish Natural History 18: 5-20.

Baxter, E. V. 1935. Dark-breasted Barn Owl in Orkney. Scottish Naturalist 55: 50.

Baxter, E. V. 1955. Review of ornithological changes in Scotland in 1953. Scottish Naturalist 67: 98-105.

Baxter, E. V. 1956. Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1954. Scottish Naturalist 68: 1-9.

Baxter, E. V. 1957. Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1956. Scottish Naturalist 69: 170-177.

Baxter, E. V. 1957. Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1955. Scottish Naturalist 69: 37-44.

Baxter, E. V. 1958. Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1958. Scottish Birds 1: 117-120.

Baxter, E. V. 1958. Review of Ornithological Changes in Scotland in 1957. Scottish Birds 1: 30-33.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1910. Report on Scottish Ornithology, 1909. Annals of Scottish Natural History 19: 132-148, 193-211.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1910. On the occurrence of the Eastern Pied Chat (Saxicola pleschanka) in Scotland - a new British bird. Annals of Scottish Natural History 19: 2-4.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1911. Bird Notes from the Isle of May - Autumn 1910. Annals of Scottish Natural History 20: 1-6.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1912. Bird Notes from the Isle of May in 1911. Scottish Naturalist 32: 53-58.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1913. Two new Scottish Birds. Scottish Naturalist 33: 273-274.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1914. Bird Notes from the Isle of May in 1913. Scottish Naturalist 34: 106-111.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1915. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1914, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 35: 147-176.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1915. Notes on the movements of Birds in 1914. Scottish Naturalist 35: 177-236.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1916. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1915, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 36: 145-218.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1918. The Birds of the Isle of May: A Migration Study. Ibis 60: 247-287.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1918. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1917, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 38: 145-196.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1923. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1922, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 43: 65-84.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1924. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1923, including migration. Scottish Birds 44: 105-120, 137-161.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1925. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1924, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 45: 73-88, 109-130.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1926. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1925, including migration. Scottish Birds 46: 69-84, 99-126.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1927. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1926, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 47: 133-148, 165-187.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1928. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1927, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 48: 105-121, 135-162.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1929. Report on Scottish Ornithology in 1928, including migration. Scottish Naturalist 49: 109-125, 139-156.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1932. Icterine Warbler in Forth. Scottish Birds 52: 172.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1932. Notes on the Status of Birds in Scotland in 1931. Scottish Naturalist 52: 35-37.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1933. Notes on the Status of Birds in Scotland in 1932. Scottish Naturalist 53: 73-74.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1947. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Fife. British Birds 40: 154.

Baxter, E. V. & Rintoul, L. J. 1947. Barred Warblers on Scottish Mainland. British Birds 40: 84.

Baxter, G. H. 1879. Skuas and Scops Eared Owl at Southend. Field 54: 574.

Baxter, P. A. A. 1999. Collared Flycatcher at Cove - the first for North-East Scotland. Birding Scotland 2 (3): 138-139.

Baxter, P. A. A. 2001. Racial identification of the Olivaceous Warbler at Collieston. Birding Scotland 4 (1): 13-14.

Baxter, P. A. A. 2004. A wintering Little Bunting in North-East Scotland. Birding Scotland 7 (2): 80-81.

Baxter, P. A. A. 2008. Identification of Black Duck, with emphasis on hybrid plumages. Birding World 21 (4): 170-176.

Baxter, P. A. A. 2010. 'Channel' and Sykes's Wagtails in Scotland: a review of identification criteria and status. Scottish Birds 30: 266-272.

Baxter, P. A. A. 2012. Pallid Harrier, Ythan Estuary, 1 October 2011 - the first North-east Scotland record. Scottish Birds 32: 85-86.

Baxter, P. A. A. 2014. Savi's Warbler at Loch of Strathbeg, May-June 2014 - the first record for North-east Scotland. Scottish Birds 34: 280-281.

Baxter, P. A. A. , Baxter, S. J. & Cowie, M. B. 2015. Spotted Sandpiper, Inverallochy, October 2014 to January 2015 - first record for North-east Scotland. Scottish Birds 35: 89-91.

Baxter, P. A. A. & Broadbent, I. D. 2004. The apparent Desert Lesser Whitethroat in Aberdeen. Birding World 17 (12): 502-504.

Baxter, P. A. A. & Broadbent, I. D. 2005. The Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat in Aberdeen. Birding Scotland 8 (2): 87-92.

Baxter, P. A. A. & Gibbins, C. 2007. Identification of Kumlien's and American Herring Gull and other large gulls at St John's, Newfoundland. Birding World 20 (4): 162-175.

Baxter, P. A. A. & Gibbins, C. 2012. Greater Yellowlegs at Loch of Strathbeg, North-east Scotland, March-April 2012. Scottish Birds 32: 188-189.

Baxter, P. A. A., Gibbins, C. & Maggs, H. 2013. The White-billed Divers off North-east Scotland - discovering a new birding spectacle. Scottish Birds 33: 261-263.

Baxter, P. A. A. & Scott, H. I. 2000. Swinhoe's Storm-petrel - a new bird for Scotland. Birding Scotland 3 (4): 179-186.

Baxter, P. A. A. & Shaw, D. 2007. Identification of a female Black-headed Bunting on Fair Isle. Birding World 20 (7): 299-302.

Baxter, P. A. A., Maggs, H. E. & Gibbins, C. 2011. The White-winged Scoter in Aberdeenshire - a new Scottish bird. Scottish Birds 31: 269-275.

Baxter, P. A. A., Morrison, P. & Morrison, S. 2004. The Pallid Swift at Newburgh - the first record for North-East Scotland. North-east Scotland Bird Report 2004: 128-130.

Baxter, P. G. 1960. Red-breasted Flycatcher in Fife. Scottish Birds 1: 337-338.

Bayldon, J. M. 1976. Ivory Gull landing on water. British Birds 69: 308-309.

Bayldon, J. M. 2005. A saga of a disappearing Masked Shrike. Birds in Northumbria 2005: 235-236.

Bayley, C. C. 1897. Capture of Carolina Rail at sea. Field 90: 869.

Baylis, H. A., Williams, A. & Brown, R. S. 1949. Pratincole in Surrey. British Birds 42: 221.

Bazeley, W. 1889. Sand Grouse in Northamptonshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 13: 72-73.

Beales, J. D. 1880. Solitary Snipe in Suffolk. Field 56: 490.

Bealey, C. E. 1985. Sociable Plover at Dartford March - new to the London Area. London Bird Report 50: 200-201.

Beaman, M. & Knox, A. G. 1981. Isabelline Wheatear in Grampian. British Birds 74: 182-185.

Bearhop, S., McInerny & Votier, S. 2004. Vagrants on Foula in early June 2004. Birding Scotland 7 (3): 97-101.

Becher, H. 1912. White-winged Black Terns in Essex. British Birds 6: 126-127.

Becher, H. 1912. White-winged Black Terns in Essex. Field 119: 1170.

Beck, B. 1998. Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler in 1994 - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 25: 68.

Beck, B. 1999. Short-billed Dowitcher - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 25: 67-68.

Beck, J. R., Dunmore, G. E. & Goodman, M. 1960. Wilson's Phalarope in Northamptonshire. British Birds 53: 30-32.

Beck, K. 1995. Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Lochlea, 2-6 August 1995. Ayrshire Bird Report 1995: 70.

Beckerlegge, J. E. 1951. Woodchat Shrike in Cornwall. British Birds 44: 63.

Beckerlegge, J. E., Bourne, W. R. P. & Parslow, J. F. L. 1962. Wilson's Phalarope in Cornwall. British Birds 55: 183-185.

Beckwith, W. E. 1867. Firecrested Wren, Richard's Pipit and Velvet Scoter in Shropshire. Zoologist (2nd series) 2: 633.

Beckwith, W. E. 1879. Birds of Shropshire. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 2: 365-395.

Beckwith, W. E. 1881. Birds of Shropshire. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society 4: 326-328.

Beckwith, W. E. 1884. Orpheus Warbler in Skye. Field 64: 440.

Beckwith, W. E. 1885. The Barred Warbler in Skye. Field 66: 33.

Beckwith, W. E. 1885. Notes on Shropshire Birds. Field 66: 876.

Beckwith, W. E. 1886. Notes on Shropshire Birds. Field 67: 31.

Beckwith, W. E. 1886. Montagu's Record of the White-tailed Eagle in Shropshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 1: 487-488.

Bedford, Duke 1942-43. Eagle Owls in Kirkcudbrightshire. British Birds 36: 180.

Bedford, M. 1900. Destruction of Cranes in Yorkshire. Field 95: 524.

Bedford, M. 1908. Notes on Birds observed in the Scottish Islands during the Spring and Autumn of 1907. Annals of Scottish Natural History 17: 2-11.

Bedford, M. 1908-09. Solitary Sandpiper and other waders in Kent. British Birds 2: 136-137.

Bedford, M. 1910-11. A Baikal Teal in Devonshire. British Birds 4 (12): 370.

Bedford, M. 1912. Richard's Pipit and Lapland Bunting at Fair Isle. Scottish Naturalist 32: 15.

Bedford, M. 1914. Spring Bird-notes from various Scottish islands. Scottish Naturalist 34: 173-181.

Bedford, M. 1920. Common Crane in Kirkcudbright. Scottish Birds 40: 168.

Bedford, M. 1923. Grey Phalarope in Wigtownshire. Scottish Naturalist 43: 4.

Bedford, M. 1924. Alpine Swifts in Wigtownshire. Scottish Naturalist 44: 84.

Bedford, M. 1927-28. White-tailed Eagle in Bedfordshire. British Birds 21: 283-284.

Bedford, M. 1942-43. Eagle Owls in Kirkcudbrightshire. British Birds 36: 180.

Bedford, M., & Clarke, W. E. 1913. Notes on Migratory Birds observed at Fair Isle during the year 1912. Scottish Naturalist 33: 5-8, 25-29.

Bedlington, T. 1856. Rose-coloured Pastor (Pastor roseus). Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 6: 21.

Bedlington, T. 1856. Rock Thrush (Turdus saxitilis). Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 6: 21.

Beecroft, M. J. 1986. Subalpine Warbler - 'first' for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 36: 63-64.

Beecroft, R. 1991. Radde's Warbler - fourth for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 41: 146-147.

Beesley, J. S. S., Blake, E. A. & Manser, G. E. 1947. Red-breasted Snipe in Kent. British Birds 40: 153-154.

Belfield, B. E. 1941-42. White-spotted Bluethroat seen in Kent. British Birds 35: 274

Bell, A. S. 1860. Occurrence of the Surf Scoter near Scarborough. Zoologist (1st series) 18: 7274.

Bell, A. S. 1861. Occurrence of the Surf Scoter (Anas perspicillata) near Scarborough. Zoologist (1st series) 19: 7385.

Bell, A. S. 1892. Solitary Snipe in Yorkshire. Field 80: 607.

Bell, D. A. 2020. Collared Flycatcher, Isle of May, 8 September 2019 - the first island record. Scottish Birds 40: 173-176.

Bell, D. G. 1963. Pallas's Warbler in Co. Durham. British Birds 56: 112-113.

Bell, D. G. 1964. Ornithological Report for Northumberland and Durham for 1963. Proceedings of the Transactions of the Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Natural History Society 15: 61-94.

Bell, D. G. 1979. Paddyfield Warbler in Cleveland. British Birds 72: 348-351.

Bell, G. 2009. Brown-headed Cowbird at Belford: First Record for Northumberland. Birds in Northumbria 2009: 201-202.

Bell, M., Frizzell, A., Frizzell, J. & Little, B. 1956. Marsh Sandpiper in Northumberland. British Birds 49: 323-324.

Bell, R. B. 1894. The Roller (Coracias garrula) in East Ross-shire. Annals of Scottish Natural History 3: 54-55.

Bell, R. B. 1902. Occurrence of the Great Snipe in Orkney. Annals of Scottish Natural History 11: 54.

Bell, R. B. 1905. Great Snipe in Orkney. Annals of Scottish Natural History 14: 54.

Bell, R. J. 1846. Occurrence of the White-winged Crossbill at Derby, November 21st, 1845. Zoologist (1st series) 4: 1247-1248.

Bell, R. J. 1846. Occurrence of Steller's Western Duck at Filey in Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 4: 1249.

Bell, T. 1875. Wallcreeper at Stratton Hall. Zoologist (2nd series) 1: 4664-4665.

Bell, T. 1998. Red-breasted Goose - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 25: 69.

Bellingham, G. J. 1996. Lesser Scaup, Frodsham, May 16th 1996: A 'first' for Cheshire. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1996: 16.

Bending, R. & Bending, S. 2008. The White-crowned Sparrow in Norfolk. Birding World 21 (1): 14-18.

Beningfield, E. N. 1884. Little Bittern in Hertfordshire. Field 64: 597.

Benington, J. A. 1933-34. Glossy Ibis seen in Antrim. British Birds 27: 356.

Benner, W. 1881. Rare visitants. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 17: 90.

Bennett, C. G., Boyd, A. W. & Cusa, N. W. 1958. Little Shearwater in Cheshire. British Birds 51: 354-355.

Bennett, C. G., Harrison, R., Brook, L. G., Hillmer, J. C., Brown, J. G., Samuels, L. P., Dobson, S., Scourfield, J. G., Hancox, H. G. & Spencer, K. G. 1965. The death of the Yellow Warbler on Bardsey Island. British Birds 58: 316-317.

Bennett, M. 1928. Roller in Essex [Suffolk]. Field 151: 437.

Benson, C. 1992. Bee-eater at Shell Pond, Carrington Moss, 24th May 1992. Greater Manchester Bird Report 17: 76-77.

Benson, G. B. G. 1950. Black-winged Stilts in Suffolk. British Birds 43: 132-133.

Benson, G. B. G. 1950. Crane in Suffolk. British Birds 43: 192-193.

Benson, G. B. G. 1952. Terek Sandpiper in Suffolk. British Birds 45: 36-37.

Benson, G. B. G. 1967. Red-headed Bunting breeding in Suffolk. British Birds 60: 343-344.

Benson, H. 1890. Two-barred Crossbill in Surrey. Zoologist (3rd series) 14: 17-18.

Bentham, C. H. 1927-28. Tawny Pipit in Sussex. British Birds 21: 177.

Berens, E. 1921. Eagles in Kent. Field 138: 758.

Beresford, G. D. 1903. Pratincoles in Kent. Field 102: 1004.

Beresford-Webb, G. M. 1908-09. An escaped Nutcracker. British Birds 2: 28-29.

Bergstrom, E. A. 1955. American land-birds in Western Europe. British Birds 48: 237-238.

Berkeley, G. F. 1859. A rare bird. Field 13: 264.

Berkeley, G. F. 1859. Rare Bird. Field 13: 300.

Berkeley, G. F. 1860. Killdeer Plover. Field 15: 304.

Berkeley, G. F. 1862. Little Bittern. Field 19: 387.

Berry, J. 1932. Birds seen in Western Caithness, Autumn 1931. Scottish Naturalist 52: 39-42.

Berry, J. & Stonor, C. R. 1935-36. Great White Heron in Wiltshire. British Birds 29: 249-251.

Berry, R. F. 1936. Buff-backed Herons at large. Field 167: 1508.

Berry, R. H. & Gordon, S. 1969. Black-headed Bunting in Outer Hebrides. Scottish Birds 5: 399.

Berry, W. 1912. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Fifeshire. Scottish Naturalist 32: 212-213.

Berry, W. 1916. Ivory Gulls in Inverness-shire. Scottish Naturalist 36: 95.

Best, F. C. 1968-69. Alpine Swift in Argyllshire. Scottish Birds 5: 390-391.

Best, J. 2010. Great Spotted Cuckoo - 1st record for Pembroke and 3rd for Wales. Welsh Birds 7: 160.

Beswick, J. 1874. Glossy Ibis in Yorkshire. Field 43: 593.

Betton, K. 2012. The Spanish Sparrow in Hampshire. Birding World 25 (1): 17-18.

Betts, A. H. 1952. Terek Sandpiper in Sussex. British Birds 45: 36.

Betts, M. 1990. White-throated Robin on Skokholm. Birding World 3 (6): 208.

Beveridge, F. S. 1913. Sea Eagles in Argyll. Scottish Naturalist 33: 190.

Beveridge, F. S. 1918. The birds of North Uist. Scottish Naturalist 38: 245-250.

Beveridge, G. 1921. Greenland Falcon and Pink-footed Geese on North Uist. Scottish Naturalist 41: 158.

Beveridge, G. 1922. Greenland Falcon in North Uist. Scottish Naturalist 42: 94.

Bible, E. H. T. 1934-35. Ferruginous Duck in Merionethshire. British Birds 28: 207.

Bidgood, W. 1870. White's Thrush in Somersetshire. Field 35: 103.

Bidgood, W. 1889. Crane in Somersetshire. Field 74: 888.

Bidwell, E. 1875. White-tailed Eagle in Cambridgeshire. Field 46: 494.

Bidwell, E. 1877. American Bittern in Hampshire. Field 49: 276.

Bidwell, E. 1877. Tengmalm's Owl in Essex. Zoologist (3rd series) 1: 176-177.

Bidwell, E. 1888. Pallas's Sand Grouse. Field 72: 190.

Billet, D. F. & Henty, C. J. 1958. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Hampshire. British Birds 51: 194-195.

Billett, D. F. & Grant, P. J. 1971. Franklin's Gull in Hampshire: a species new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 64: 310-313.

Bingham, C. W. 1865. Squacco Heron. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 1: 281.

Binney, S. & Coffey, P. 2017. 'Dark-breasted Barn Owl' breeding in Cheshire & Wirral in 2014. British Birds 110: 213-221.

Birch, A. 1990. Yellow-throated Vireo in Cornwall - a new Western Palearctic bird. Birding World 3 (9): 308-309.

Birch, A. 1994. Yellow-throated Vireo: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 87: 362-365.

Bird, B. J. 1947. Red-breasted Flycatcher in Westmoreland. British Birds 40: 84.

Bird, C. G. 1933. American Bittern in Outer Hebrides. Scottish Naturalist 53: 92.

Bird, M. C. H. 1887. White-eyed Pochard and Bewick's Swan in Norfolk. Zoologist (3rd series) 11: 195.

Bird, M. C. H. 1903. Green-backed Gallinule in Norfolk. Field 102: 87.

Bird, M. C. H. 1906. Colour of eyes in Fuligula nyroca. Zoologist (4th series) 10: 75.

Bird, M. C. H. 1908-09. Green-backed Gallinule in Norfolk. British Birds 2: 134.

Bird, W. F. W. 1849. The New British Woodpecker killed in Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 7: 2527-2528.

Bird, W. F. W. 1851. Note on the figure of the Hairy Woodpecker (Picus villosus). Zoologist (1st series) 9: 3034-3035.

Birkbeck, R. 1854. Remarks on a List of the Birds of Cumberland. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4366.

Birkhead, T. 2021. The chick-rearing period of the Great Auk: a mystery solved. British Birds 114: 27-30.

Bishop, J. & Gray, M. 2002. The Rufous Turtle Dove in Orkney. Birding World 15 (12): 501-505.

Bishop, W. F. 1957. Spotted Sandpiper in Norfolk. British Birds 50: 490-491.

Bispham, T., Philipson, W. R. & Ryall, R. H. 1944-45. Aquatic Warbler in Buckinghamshire. British Birds 38: 114-115.

Bissenden, J. 1867. Baillon's Crake. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 3: 143.

Bisshopp, C. H. 1905. Greenland Falcon in Inverness-shire. Annals of Scottish Natural History 14: 183.

Blackburne, C. I. 1938-39. White Stork in Norfolk and Essex. British Birds 32: 154.

Blackmore, H. 1871. Immigration of Great Bustards - Wiltshire. Zoologist (2nd series) 6: 2477.

Blackwall, J. 1829. Natural History in the English Counties: Lancashire. Loudon's Magazine of Natural History 2: 273-275.

Blackwall, J. 1831. Occurrence of two extremely rare British Birds. Loudon's Magazine of Natural History 4: 73-74.

Blackwood, G. C. 1922. Greenland Falcon in Forfarshire. Scottish Naturalist 42: 49.

Blagg, E. W. H. 1890. Sand Grouse in Staffordshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 14: 101-102.

Blair, R. H. 1952. Great White Heron in Cornwall. British Birds 45: 291-292.

Blake, A. R. M. 1961. The "Lesser Scaup" affair. British Birds 54: 167.

Blake, F. W., Blake, E. A. & Cawkell, H. A. R. 1949. Bonaparte's Sandpiper in Sussex. British Birds 42: 332-333.

Blamire, S. 2004. Red-billed Tropicbird: new to Britain. British Birds 97: 231-237.

Bland, B. 1974. Booted Warbler. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 6: 26-27.

Bland, B. 1998. The Wilson's Snipe on the Isles of Scilly. Birding World 11 (10): 382-385.

Bland, B. 1999. The Wilson's Snipe on Scilly revisited. Birding World 12 (2): 56-61.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1908-11. Vertebrate Section. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalist Union 2: 313-316.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1912. The Birds of Lincolnshire: Additions to the County List. Zoologist (4th series) 16: 60-63.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1915. The Birds of Lincolnshire. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union 19: 178-211.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1915-16. White-tailed Eagle and Rough-legged Buzzards in Lincolnshire. British Birds 9: 319-320.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1918. Ortolan Bunting in Lincolnshire. Field 132: 407.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1918. New Species of Birds observed in Dorset since the publication of Mansel-Pleydell's "Birds of Dorset", 1888. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 39: 45-52.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1919. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1918, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 40: 66-73.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1920-21. Wallcreeper in Dorset. British Birds 14: 40.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1921. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1919, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 41: 95-102.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1923. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1922, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 44: 105-116.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1925-26. Alpine Swift in Dorset. British Birds 19: 52.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1926. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1925, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 47: 168-179.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1929. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1928, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 50: 58-69.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1930. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1929, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 51: 110-139.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1931. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1930, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 52: 131-148.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1932. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1931, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 53: 277-288.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1933. Phenological Report on first appearances of Birds, Insects, etc., and first flowering of Plants in Dorset during 1932, with other notes on Local Natural History. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 54: 165-209.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1934. A Revised List of the Birds of Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 55: 165-209.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1935. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1934. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 56: 84-92.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1936. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1935. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 57: 94-100.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1938. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1937. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 59: 73-79.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1939. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1938. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 60: 182-189.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1940. A Revised List of the Birds of Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 61: 136-167.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1940. A Revised List of the Birds of Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 61: 136-167.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1940. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1939. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 61: 168-171.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1941. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1940. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 62: 125-132.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1941-42. Old record of Tengmalm's Owl in Somerset, an error. British Birds 35: 18-19.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1942. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1941. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 63: 105-110.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1944-45. Rose-coloured Starling in Somerset. British Birds 38: 373.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1945. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1944. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 66: 130-135.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1946. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1945. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 67: 90-94.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1946. A Revised List of the Birds of Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 67: 95-126.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1947. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1946. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 68: 93-98.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1949. Green-winged Teal in Dorset. British Birds 42: 393.

Blathwayt, F. L. 1949. Report on Dorset Natural History, 1948. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 70: 127-133.

Blest, W. W. 1918. Little Bittern in Kent. Field 132: 258.

Blezard, E. 1943. The Birds of Lakeland. Transactions of the Carlisle Natural History Society 6: 25-153.

Blezard, E. 1948. Cream-coloured Courser in Cumberland. British Birds 41: 92.

Blezard, E. 1954. Lakeland Ornithology. Transactions of the Carlisle Natural History Society 8: 102-135.

Blezard, E. 1958. Lakeland Birds. Transactions of the Carlisle Natural History Society 9: 9-54.

Blick, M. A. 1979. Franklin's Gull in Cleveland. British Birds 72: 478-479.

Blick, M. A. 1989. Double-crested Cormorant - a new Western Palearctic bird. Birding World 2 (2): 53-57.

Blick, M. A. 1994. Citrine Wagtail - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 21: 68.

Blick, M. A. 1998. Little Swift - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 25: 69-70.

Blick, M. A. 1998. King Eider - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 25: 70-71.

Blick, M. A. 1999. Pallid Swift - new to Cleveland. Cleveland Bird Report 25: 69-70.

Blincow, J. I. 1985. Broad-billed Sandpiper with long-legged appearance. British Birds 78: 191.

Blindell, R. M. 1970. White-winged Black Tern in Lothian. Scottish Birds 6: 203.

Blindell, R. M. 2005. Pallas's Warbler in Cheshire: the first North-west wintering record. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 2005: 122-123.

Blomdahl, A., B. Breife, B. & Holmström, N. 2002. Flight identification of Common Eider, King Eider and Steller’s Eider. British Birds 95: 233-239.

Bloomfield, A. 2004. The Serin - its History in Norfolk and the First County Breeding Records. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 2004: 287-291.

Bloomfield, A. 2009. Black Brants and the problem of intergrades. British Birds 102: 213.

Bloomfield, A. 2021. Great White Egrets feeding from an accumulation of fish in the nest. British Birds 114: 172-173.

Bloomfield, A. & McCallum, J. 2001. Changing fortunes of the Black Brant. Birding World 14 (2): 66-68.

Bloomfield, S. 1997. Desert Wheatear - an addition to the County List. Birds in Northumbria 1997: 134-135.

Bloor, P. 2006. Franklin's Gull at the Ythan Estuary - a first for North East Scotland. North-east Scotland Bird Report 2006: 112-113.

Bloor, P. 2009. Franklin's Gull at the Ythan Estuary - a first for North East Scotland. Birding Scotland 9 (3): 130-133.

Bloor, P. D. 2017. Pacific Swift, Longhaven, North-east Scotland, 2 July 2017 - the first Scottish record. Scottish Birds 37: 368-370.

Blyth, A. W. 1906. Solitary Snipe at Melton Constable. Field 108: 580.

Blyth, E. 1834. Notes on the Arrival of the British Summer Birds of Passage in 1834, with incidental Remarks on some of the Species. Loudon's Magazine of Natural History 7: 338-347.

Blyth, E. 1834. On procuring specimens of the smaller British land birds for a museum. Rennie's Field Naturalist 2: 44-54.

Blyth, E. 1837. On Woodcocks, Fieldfares, and Redwings building within the British Islands. Charlesworth's Magazine of Natural History 1: 439-441.

Blyth, E. 1838. Notice of Rare Birds obtained during the winter of 1837-38. Naturalist (Wood's) 3: 412-420.

Blyth, E. 1863. American Wigeon. Field 21: 339.

Blyth, J. 1957. King Eider on the Tay Estuary. Scottish Naturalist 69: 183.

Boase, H. 1949. American Wigeon in Angus. Scottish Naturalist 61: 124.

Boddy, M. 1980. Booted Warbler at Theddlethorpe dunes, 12th October 1980. Lincolnshire Bird Report 2: 36.

Boddy, M. 1992. Eastern vagrants in Britain in autumn 1988. British Birds 85: 500-502.

Bolam, G. 1876-78. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 8: 495.

Bolam, G. 1879. Bartram's Sandpiper in Northumberland. Field 54: 848-849.

Bolam, G. 1879-81. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 9: 167-169.

Bolam, G. 1882-84. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 1: 387.

Bolam, G. 1882-84. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 1: 589.

Bolam, G. 1884-85. Occurrence in Northumberland of the Red-breasted Flycatcher. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 1: 9.

Bolam, G. 1885-86. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 11: 258.

Bolam, G. 1885-86. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 11: 259.

Bolam, G. 1896. A List of the Birds of Berwick-on-Tweed, with special reference to "The Birds of Berwickshire," and notices of the occurrence of some of the rare species in the adjoining districts. Annals of Scottish Natural History 5: 76-93.

Bolam, G. 1897. A List of the Birds of Berwick-on-Tweed, with special reference to "The Birds of Berwickshire," and notices of the occurrence of some of the rare species in the adjoining districts. Annals of Scottish Natural History 6: 5-14, 79-88.

Bolam, G. 1898. Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus, Linn.) in Scotland. Annals of Scottish Natural History 7: 116.

Bolam, G. 1899. A List of the Birds of Berwick-on-Tweed, with special reference to "The Birds of Berwickshire," and notices of the occurrence of some of the rare species in the adjoining districts. Annals of Scottish Natural History 8: 65-72.

Bolam, G. 1903. Ornithological Notes. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club 19: 69-72.

Bolam, G. 1911-12. The Two-barred Crossbill in Scotland. British Birds 5: 24-25.

Bolam, G. 1913. Notes on the Natural History of Hornsea Mere. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 38: 33-71.

Bolam, G. 1932. Red-footed Falcons. Field 160: 170.

Bolam, H. G. 1940-41. Common Crane in Rutland. British Birds 34: 20.

Bold, T. J. 1845. Occurrence of the Iceland Falcon and Rough-legged Buzzard in Northumberland. Zoologist (1st series) 3: 935.

Bold, T. J. 1846. Occurrence of Richard's Pipit near Newcastle. Zoologist (1st series) 4: 1210-1211.

Bold, T. J. 1850. Tengmalm's Owl killed near Marsden, Durham. Zoologist (1st series) 8: 2765.

Bold, T. J. 1854. Note on a Bustard killed in Cumberland. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4407.

Bold, T. J. 1855. Occurrence of the Pectoral Sandpiper on the coast of Northumberland. Zoologist (1st series) 13: 4808.

Bolt, D. 2001. The Redhead in Glamorgan. Birding World 14 (12): 495-496.

Bonar, G. & Lang, I. 2024. Stilt Sandpiper, October 2023 - second Outer Hebrides and first Dumfries & Galloway records. Scottish Birds 44: 175-178.

Bonar, H. N. 1900. Supposed Occurrence of the Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes, Linn.) near Aberdeen. Transactions of the Scottish Natural History Society 1: 101-102.

Bonar, I. A. 1944-45. Snowy Owl in Somerset. British Birds 38: 375.

Bond, A. L. 2022. Focus on…the only remaining British Great Auk. British Birds 115: 234.

Bond, A. L. 2024. Two mid-nineteenth-century specimens of Barolo Shearwater, allegedly collected in Portsmouth. British Birds 117: 456-458.

Bond, F. 1843. Notes on Water-birds occurring at Kingsbury Reservoir. Zoologist (1st series) 1: 102.

Bond, F. 1843. Note on occurrence of Rare British Birds. Zoologist (1st series) 1: 148.

Bond, F. 1851. Occurrence of the Iceland Falcon in Ross-shire. Zoologist (1st series) 9: 3275-3276.

Bond, F. 1860. Occurrence of the Serin Finch in England. Zoologist (1st series) 18: 7105.

Bond, F. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Cambridgeshire. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8722.

Bond, F. 1870. Rare of New British Birds. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 1984.

Bond, F. 1870. Correction of an Error [Citril Finch]. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2022.

Bond, F. 1870. Siberian [White-winged] Lark at Brighton. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2022.

Bond, F. 1870. Correction of an Error [Rustic Bunting]. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2022.

Bond, F. 1870. Tawny Pipit, Ortolan Bunting and Lapland Bunting near Brighton. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2383.

Bond, F. 1870. Second Occurrence of the Scarlet Bullfinch, near London. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2383.

Bond, F. 1872. The Whitby Wader. Zoologist (2nd series) 7: 2905.

Bond, F. 1877. Tawny Pipit at Brighton. Zoologist (3rd series) 1: 299.

Bond, F. 1889. Sand Grouse in Middlesex. Zoologist (3rd series) 13: 227.

Bond, G. 1972. Gyr Falcon at Parkgate. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1972: 27.

Bond, T. 2014. The occurrence and arrival routes of North American landbirds in Britain. British Birds 107: 66-82.

Bond, T. E. 1978. Wing-bar of Baird's Sandpiper. British Birds 71: 417.

Bone, R. 1999. Killdeer at Aveton Gifford - Short Report. Devon Bird Report 72: 170.

Boner, G. & Lang, I. 2024. Stilt Sandpiper, October 2023 - second Outer Hebrides and first Dumfries & Galloway records. Scottish Birds 44: 175-178.

Bonham, P. F. 1970. Four American passerines new to the British and Irish list. British Birds 63: 145-147.

Bonham, P. F. 1971. A Spotted Sandpiper in autumn plumage. British Birds 64: 124-125.

Bonser, R. 1997. The Isabelline Wheatear on Bardsey. Birding World 10 (9): 339.

Bonser, R. 1998. The Dark-eyed Junco in Cheshire. Birding World 11 (1): 11.

Booth, A. J. 1996. Soft-plumaged Petrel - an addition to the County List. Birds in Northumbria 1996: 126-127.

Booth, C. J. 1961. Spring Migrants on the Shetland Mainland, 1961. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Bulletin 4: 195-196.

Booth, C. J. 1964. Snowy Owl in Shetland. Scottish Birds 3: 33.

Booth, E. T. 1869. Richard's Pipits, etc. Field 34: 305.

Booth, H. B. 1908. Brünnich's Guillemot at the Farne Islands in June. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 33: 289.

Booth, H. B. 1926. Iceland and Greenland Falcons in the 'Zoo'. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 51: 151.

Booth, H. B. 1938. The Western Little Bustard (Otis tetrax tetrax). Naturalist (Yorkshire) 63: 143-144.

Booth, H. B. 1941. Caspian Terns in Yorkshire. Naturalist (Yorkshire) 66: 1.

Borrer, C. D. 1919-20. Carolina Crake off Irish coast. British Birds 13: 298.

Borrer, C. J. 1907. Richard's Pipit in Norfolk. Field 110: 887.

Borrer, C. J. 1910-11. Barred Warbler in Norfolk. British Birds 4: 209.

Borrer, C. J. 1912-13. Aquatic Warbler in Norfolk. British Birds 6: 220.

Borrer, C. J. 1916-17. Parrot Crossbill in Norfolk. British Birds 10: 20.

Borrer, C. J. 1918-19. Richard's Pipit at Blakeney, Norfolk. British Birds 12: 89-90.

Borrer, C. J. 1922-23. Lapland Buntings and Richard's Pipit in Norfolk. British Birds 16: 306.

Borrer, C. J. 1927-28. Kentish Plover in Norfolk in Winter. British Birds 21: 263.

Borrer, C. J. 2000. The Pallas's Warbler in Norfolk - a new British bird. Birding World 13 (3): 126-127.

Borrer, jun., W. 1841. Emberiza hortulana. Annals & Magazine of Natural History 7: 524.

Borrer, jun., W. 1845. Occurrence of the Nutcracker and of the Golden Oriole in Sussex. Zoologist (1st series) 3: 868.

Borrer, jun., W. 1854. Occurrence of Sylvia galactotes of Temminck on the South Downs, near Brighton, in Sussex. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4511.

Borrer, jun., W. 1854. Occurrence of the Crane in Sussex. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4512.

Borrer, jun., W. 1858. Occurrence of Tengmalm's Owl in Sussex. Zoologist (1st series) 16: 5988.

Borrer, jun., W. 1865. White-tailed Eagle in Sussex. Zoologist (1st series) 23: 9465.

Borrer, jun., W. 1881. Crested Lark in Sussex. Zoologist (3rd series) 5: 494.

Borrer, jun., W. 1884. American Bittern in Sussex. Zoologist (3rd series) 8: 68.

Borrer, jun., W. 1896. Purple Gallinule in Surrey. Zoologist (3rd series) 20: 475.

Borstock, E. G. 1884. Roller at Newmarket. Field 63: 879.

Bosanquet, S. 2000. The Hudsonian Whimbrel in Gwent. Birding World 13 (5): 190-193.

Bosanquet, S. 2000. Hudsonian Whimbrel at GLWR Goldcliff: First for Wales. Welsh Bird Report 14: 138.

Bosisto, R., Shannon, T., Senfeld, T., Roseveare, P. & Collinson, J. M. 2021. A potential 'Rough-legged Hawk' in Cornwall. British Birds 114: 422-424.

Bost, J. 1853. Night Heron at Blackpool. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 3: 254.

Boston, F. K., Lousley, E. H. & Tucker, B. W. 1949. Greater Yellowshanks in Northamptonshire. British Birds 42: 155-157.

Boston, F. M. 1956. Savi's Warbler in Cambridgeshire. British Birds 49: 326-327.

Boswall, J. H., Brown, D. H. & Harber, D. D. 1949. The Immigration of American Pectoral Sandpiper in the Autumn of 1948: Sussex. British Birds 42: 141-142.

Boswall, J. H., Brown, D. H. & Harber, D. D. 1949. Kentish Plovers in Sussex. British Birds 42: 93-94.

Bottomley, J. B. 1972. Danish White Storks in south-west England. British Birds 65: 4-5.

Bottomley, R. 1996. The Spanish Sparrow in Cumbria. Birding World 9 (7): 265-267.

Bould, P. & Hickman, B. 1992. Laughing Gull at Musselburgh. Lothian Bird Report 1992: 112-113.

Boulton, W. W. 1862. Little Bustard shot in Yorkshire. Field 19: 120.

Boulton, W. W. 1862. Occurrence of the Little Bustard in Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 20: 7938.

Boulton, W. W. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in the East Riding of Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8724.

Boulton, W. W. 1863. Occurrence of the Alpine Accentor in Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8766.

Boulton, W. W. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse near Beverley. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8769.

Boulton, W. W. 1863. Occurrence of the Little Bittern in Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8770.

Boulton, W. W. 1864. Solitary Snipe near Beverley. Zoologist (1st series) 22: 8890-8891.

Boulton, W. W. 1864. Tengmalm's Owl captured at Flamborough. Zoologist (1st series) 22: 9020.

Boulton, W. W. 1864. Sternum of Little Crake shot in Cambridgeshire. Zoologist (1st series) 22: 9285-9289.

Boulton, W. W. 1865. Red-footed Falcon, or Orange-legged Hobby, at the Mouth of the Humber. Zoologist (1st series) 23: 9415.

Boulton, W. W. 1865. Ornithological Notes from Beverley, Yorkshire. Zoologist (1st series) 23: 9442-9447.

Boulton, W. W. 1866. Ornithological Notes from the East Coast of Yorkshire during the Summer of 1865. Zoologist (2nd series) 1: 27-30.

Boulton, W. W. 1867. Ornithological Notes from Beverley, Yorkshire. Zoologist (2nd series) 2: 540-546.

Bourne, J. 1891. Great Bustard in Hants. Field 77: 59.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1963. The Hastings rarities and the 'British List.' British Birds 56: 33-38.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1967. Reports of albatrossess in Britain and Ireland. British Birds 60: 378-379.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1967. Long-distance vagrancy in the petrels. Ibis 109: 141-167.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1968. Arctic auks on the Scottish coast. Scottish Birds 5: 104-107.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1988. Ships and Capped Petrels. British Birds 88: 400-401.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1988. John Gould and the storm-petrels. British Birds 88: 402-403.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1992. Debatable British and Irish seabirds. Birding World 5 (10): 382-390.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1995. In memory of The Zoologist 1843-1916. British Birds 88: 1-4.

Bourne, W. R. P. 1996. The Booth Museum, the Citril Finch, and the Red-billed Tropicbird. British Birds 89: 189-190.

Bourne, W. R. P. 2002. The Dungeness petrel. British Birds 95: 461.

Bourne, W. R. P. 2008. Storks and other possible past British breeding birds. British Birds 101: 214.

Bourne, W. R. P. 2012. Leadenhall Market. British Birds 105: 683.

Bourne, W. R. P. & Smith, K. D. 1960. Olivaceous Warbler in Dorset. British Birds 53: 312-313.

Boustead, I. 2006. The South Gare Roller. Cleveland Bird Report 32: 109.

Bower, C. 1964. Surf Scoter in Solway. Scottish Birds 3: 195.

Bower, R. 1987. The Whiskered Tern at Thurlestone, South Devon. Twitching 1: 101-102.

Bowers, G. & Coutts, D. 1965. King Eider in Shetland. Scottish Birds 3: 311-312.

Bowers, J. K. & Jones, E. L. 1958. Pratincole in Hampshire. British Birds 51: 119.

Bowler, J. M. 2006. Female Redhead, Isle of Tiree, Argyll, 14th December 2005-22nd March 2006. Birding Scotland 9 (1): 18-19.

Bowler, J. M. 2009. Displaying Buff-breasted Sandpiper on Tiree, Argyll in June 2004. Scottish Birds 29: 223.

Bowler, J. M. 2009. Six Buff-breasted Sandpipers together on Tiree in September 2007 - a record Scottish count. Scottish Birds 29: 223-224.

Bowler, J. M. 2010. A nominate-race Black-tailed Godwit on the Isle of Tiree, Argyll, 6-7 May 2009 - the first Scottish record. Scottish Birds 30: 207-210.

Bowler, J. M. 2011. Northern Parula, the Isle of Tiree, Argyll, 25-29 September 2010 - the first Scottish record. Scottish Birds 31: 86-90.

Bowler, J. M. 2012. Brown Shrike, Tiree, October-November 2011 - the first Argyll record. Scottish Birds 32: 78-81.

Bowler, J. M. 2012. ‘Eastern’ Subalpine Warbler at Tiree on 28th May 2012: the first Argyll record. Argyll Bird Report 24: 120-121.

Bowler, J. M. 2013. Cedar Waxwing at Vaul, Tiree, on 23-29 September 2013: first record for Argyll. Argyll Bird Report 25: 135-136.

Bowler, J. M. 2014. Collared Flycatcher on the Isle of Tiree, 27 May 2014 - the first record for SW Scotland. Scottish Birds 34: 278-279.

Bowler, J. M. 2019. Gull-billed Tern, Tiree, 17-27 May 2019 - the third record for Argyll. Scottish Birds 39: 271-273.

Bowler, J. M. 2019. Greater Yellowlegs, Tiree, 28 April 2019 - the third record for Argyll. Scottish Birds 39: 366-367.

Bowler, J. M. 2021. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Balephuill, Isle of Tiree, Argyll, 15-23 September 2020 - the first record for the Western Palearctic. Scottish Birds 41: 78-80.

Bowler, J. M. 2021. Humes's Warbler, Isle of Tiree, Argyll, 31 October - 3 November 2020 - first west Scotland record. Scottish Birds 41: 185-186.

Bowler, J. M., Stevenson, A. & Aley, P. 2017. Swainson's Thrushes in Scotland during the autumn of 2016. Scottish Birds 37: 63-68.

Bowler, J. M., Taylor, B. A. & Stronach, P. 2021. Dusky Warblers in Scotland during the autumn of 2020. Scottish Birds 41: 86-89.

Bowler, J. M. & Todd, G. 2019. Black-winged Stilt, Heylipol, Tiree, 16-18 April 2019 - first record for Argyll. Scottish Birds 39: 262-265.

Bowles, A. H. 1877. Squacco Heron in Killarney. Zoologist (3rd series) 1: 57-58.

Bowman, G. 1995. Red-necked Stint - an addition to the County List. Birds in Northumbria 1995: 117-118.

Bowman, G. 2004. Additions to the County List - Past and Future. Birds in Northumbria 2004: 241-249.

Bowman, G. 2008. Great Snipe on Holy Island. Birds in Northumbria 2008: 265-266.

Bowman, N. 2017. Chinese Pond Heron: new to Britain. British Birds 110: 335-338.

Bowman, R. P. 1973. Lesser Golden Plover. Isles of Scilly Bird Report 5: 21-22.

Box, T. A. 1989. White-headed Duck at Cheddar Reservoir. Somerset Birds 1989: 88.

Boy, T., Roy, I. B., Skene, W. M. & Smith, R. W. J. 1961. Pectoral Sandpiper in East Lothian. Scottish Birds 1: 493-494.

Boyd, A. W. 1920-21. Notes on a flock of Glossy Ibises in Cornwall. British Birds 14: 137-138.

Boyd, A. W. 1922-23. Whiskered Tern in Cheshire. British Birds 16: 112-113.

Boyd, A. W. 1937-38. AmericanPectoral Sandpiper in Cheshire. British Birds 31: 237-238.

Boyd, A. W. 1941-42. Lesser Kestrel in Lancashire. British Birds 35: 229-230.

Boyd, A. W. 1943-44. Black Wheatear in Cheshire. British Birds 37: 135-136.

Boyd, A. W. 1943-44. Western Black-eared Wheatear in Lancashire. British Birds 37: 36.

Boyd, A. W. 1946. Black-winged Stilt in Lancashire. British Birds 39: 189.

Boyd, A. W. 1946. Great Snipe in Lancashire. British Birds 39: 223.

Boyd, A. W. 1952. American Wigeon in Cheshire. British Birds 45: 34.

Boyd, A. W. 1955. Baird's Sandpiper in Cheshire. British Birds 48: 417-418.

Boyd, B. & Millington, R. G. 1987. The Black-winged Stilts at Holme Norfolk Naturalists' Trust Reserve. Twitching 1: 148-150.

Boyd, H. J. 1950. The Autumn migration of 1949: Reports from Bird Observatories - Scarce birds on Lundy, 1949. British Birds 43: 214-216.

Boyd, H. J. 1955. [Lesser White-fronted Geese In Britain]. British Birds 48: 325-326.

Boyd, H. J. 1957. Blue-winged Teal in Gloucestershire. British Birds 50: 349-350.

Boyd, H., Harrison, R. H. & Seago, M. J. 1956. Lesser White-fronted Goose in Norfolk. British Birds 49: 228-229.

Boyd, M. & Boyd, R. 2024. Baltimore Oriole, 5 October to 4 November 2023 - first Fife record. Scottish Birds 44: 179-180.

Boyd, W. 1987. Black-winged Stilts breeding at Holme. Norfolk Bird and Mammal Report 1987: 89-96.

Boyes, F. 1870. Little Bittern in Nottinghamshire. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2308.

Boyes, F. 1874. Little Bittern in East Yorkshire. Zoologist. (2nd series) 9: 4118.

Boyes, F. 1876. Scandinavian Variety (!) of the Dipper at Beverley. Zoologist (2nd series) 11: 4871-4872.

Boyes, F. 1877. Scandinavian form of the Dipper in East Yorkshire. Zoologist (3rd series) 1: 53.

Boyes, F. 1887. Solitary Snipe and Greenshank in East Yorks. Field 70: 478.

Boyes, F. 1887. Solitary Snipes in East Yorkshire. Field 70: 679.

Boyes, F. 1889. Pallas's Sand Grouse - A Disclaimer. Field 73: 190.

Boyes, F. 1893. White-tailed Eagle in East Yorkshire. Field 81: 66.

Boyes, F. 1894. The Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus superciliosus) at Beverley. Field 84: 668.

Boyes, F. 1894. Barred Warbler in East Yorkshire. Field 84: 992.

Boyes, F. 1899. Solitary Snipe near Beverley. Field 94: 580.

Boyes, F. 1903. Solitary Snipe in East Yorkshire. Field 102: 635.

Boyes, F. 1909. Glossy Ibis in Yorkshire. Field 114: 882.

Boyes, F. 1913. Glossy Ibis in East Yorkshire. Field 121: 140.

Boyes, F. 1913. Pallas's Sandgrouse in the London Market. Field 122: 305.

Boyle, D. 1993. Eastern race of Whitethroat. Spurn Wildlife 1993: 49-50.

Boyle, D. 2010. Marsh Warbler, South Valley, Skomer, 2nd November 2009. Welsh Birds 7: 161-163.

Boynton, H. S. 1868. Occurrence of Honey Buzzard and Brown Snipe near Hull. Field 32: 329.

Boynton, T. 1869. Shore and Sea Birds. Zoologist (2nd series) 4: 1843-1844.

Boynton, T. 1870. Pennsylvanian Pipit, etc., at Bridlington. Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2021.

Boys, J. V. 1960. Two-barred Crossbill in Shetland. Scottish Birds 1: 193-194.

Boys, J. V. 1960. Scarlet Grosbeaks on Foula. Scottish Birds 1: 240.

Bradbury, G. 2011. The Black Scoter in Northumberland. Birding World 24 (4): 154-159.

Bradbury, G. 2011. Black Scoter at Stag Rocks: First for Northumberland. Birds in Northumbria 2011: 191-193.

Bradbury, R., Eaton, M., Bowden, C. & Jordan, M. 2008. Magnificent Frigatebird in Shropshire: new to Britain. British Birds 101: 317-321.

Bradbury, W. J. 1950. White-headed Long-tailed Tit in Sussex. British Birds 43: 118.

Bradney, R. J. 1957. Black Stork in Worcestershire. British Birds 50: 348-349.

Bradshaw, C. 1990. The Big Waters bunting. Birding World 3 (3): 86-88.

Bradshaw, C. 1990. Indigo Bunting plumage and origins. Birding World 3 (7): 248.

Bradshaw, C. 1994. Separating Radde's and Dusky Warblers. British Birds 87: 436-441.

Bradshaw, C. 1996. The Scilly eastern Nightingale. Birding World 9 (5): 197.

Bradshaw, C. 1999. Rarities Committee's announcement: What's happening to the Slender-billed Curlew record. British Birds 92: 314.

Bradshaw, C. 2000. From the Rarities Committee's files: The occurrence of Moustached Warbler in Britain. British Birds 93: 29-38.

Bradshaw, C. 2000. From the Rarities Committee's files: Identification of autumn Isabelline Wheatears. British Birds 93: 488-492.

Bradshaw, C. 2001. From the Rarities Committee's files: Blyth's Reed Warbler - problems and pitfalls. British Birds 94: 236-245.

Bradshaw, C. 2001. 'Two-barred Greenish Warbler' on Scilly: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 94: 284-288.

Bradshaw, C. 2001. The Unst Blyth's Reed Warbler. British Birds 94: 294-295.

Bradshaw, C. 2002. From the Rarities Committee's files: Rare seabirds and a record of Herald Petrel. British Birds 95: 156-165.

Bradshaw, C. 2002. The Dungeness petrel - a response from the BBRC. British Birds 95: 459-464.

Bradshaw, C. 2002. Does plate 164 really show the Slender-billed Curlew. British Birds 95: 464-465.

Bradshaw, C. 2003. A 'post-Irish' review of 'firsts' for Britain. British Birds 96: 402-405.

Bradshaw, C. 2005. Identification review – Lesser Scaup. British Birds 98: 89-95.

Bradshaw, C. & Lansdown, P. G. 1998. From the Rarities Committee's files: A report of Long-toed Stint on South Uist. British Birds 91: 180-184.

Bradshaw, C. & Riddington, R. 1997. From the Rarities Committee's files: How certain are the seperation features of Arctic and Greenish Warblers ? British Birds 90: 180-184.

Bradshaw, C. & Wright, J. 2002. From the Rarities Committee's files: a White-winged Black Tern in an unusually advanced state of moult. British Birds 95: 449-453.

Bradshaw, C. G. 1999. Rare Waders in Kent 1960-1999. Kent Bird Report 48: 156-164.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1894. Uncommon Birds in Sussex. Zoologist (3rd series) 18: 60.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1895. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Sussex. Zoologist (3rd series) 19: 449.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1897. Swallow-tailed Kite in Suffolk. Zoologist (4th series) 1: 363.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1897. Common Roller in Sussex. Zoologist (4th series) 1: 469.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1898. Common Roller in Sussex. Zoologist (4th series) 2: 24.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1898. Woodchat Shrike in Sussex. Zoologist (4th series) 2: 267.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1901. Little Bustard in Sussex. Zoologist (4th series) 5: 428.

Bradshaw, G. W. 1901. Little Owl at Henley. Zoologist (4th series) 5: 476.

Bradshaw, I. & Bradshaw, H. 1979. Desert Warbler (Sylvia nana) at Meols. Cheshire & Wirral Bird Report 1979: 72.

Brady, F. 1946. Surf Scoter in Northumberland. British Birds 39: 183-184.

Brady, F. 1946. Kentish Plover in Northumberland. British Birds 39: 187-188.

Braim, J. 1853. Rare Birds near Whitby. Naturalist (Morris's and Bree's) 3: 85.

Brain, R. F. 1904. Flamingo reported on the Medway. Field 104: 1111.

Braithwaite, C. 1902. Little Bunting at Durham. Zoologist (4th series) 6: 466.

Brame, W. J. 1992. The White-throated Sparrow in Suffolk. Birding World 5 (6): 218-219.

Brame, W. J. 1998. Spotted Sandpiper - third for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 48: 155.

Brame, W. J. 2001. The Isabelline Wheatear in Suffolk. Birding World 14 (9): 380-381.

Brame, W. J. 2005. Pacific Golden Plover - first for Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 55: 169.

Bramhall, R. 2005. Laughing Gull, Carnoustie Bay, Angus, 5th-8th January 2005. Birding Scotland 8 (1): 39-41.

Bramhall, R. 2005. The first Rustic Bunting for Angus & Dundee, May 2005. Birding Scotland 8 (3): 104-107.

Bramhall, R. J. 2005. The first Isabelline Shrike for Angus & Dundee, October, 2005. Birding Scotland 8 (4): 167-170.

Brand, B. 1927. A Lost Flamingo. Field 148: 207.

Brandeston, J. A. 1933. Gyrfalcon in Suffolk. Field 159: 262.

Branscombe, J. 2016. Chestnut Bunting, Papa Westray, 19-29 October 2015. Scottish Birds 36: 52-55.

Branscombe, J. 2018. Chestnut Bunting in Orkney: new to Britain. British Birds 111: 157-163.

Braund, H. E. W. 1930-31. Alpine Swift in Essex. British Birds 24: 192.

Brazenor, J. 1894. Tawny Pipit near Brighton. Field 84: 579.

Brazier, D. & G. 1997. Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes at Bembridge Harbour: a new island species. Isle of Wight Bird Report 1997: 99-100.

Breaks, M. 2009. Pine Bunting on Fair Isle, October - November 2007. Scottish Birds 29: 180-182.

Breaks, M. 2009. Two Night Herons on Fair Isle, 5 - 13 April 2008 - the first island records. Scottish Birds 29: 255-257.

Bree, C. R. 1849. Occurrence of the Two-barred Crossbill in Suffolk. Zoologist (1st series) 7: 2419.

Bree, C. R. 1861. Occurrence of the Little Bustard in Essex. Zoologist (1st series) 19: 7352-7353.

Bree, C. R. 1862. Occurrence of the Parrot Crossbill near Colchester. Zoologist (1st series) 20: 8032-8033.

Bree, C. R. 1863. American Wigeon. Field 21: 339.

Bree, C. R. 1863. Pallas’ Sand Grouse in Essex. Zoologist (1st series) 21: 8684.

Bree, C. R. 1863. Pallas’s Sand Grouse. Field 22: 15.

Bree, C. R. 1863. Syrrhaptes paradoxus. Field 22: 460.

Bree, C. R. 1866. Little Bittern. Field 28: 148.

Bree, C. R. 1867. A Visit to the Collection of British Birds made by the late J. D. Hoy, Esq., of Stoke-by-Nayland. Field 30: 291.

Bree, C. R. 1867. The Yellow-breasted Bunting. Field 30: 385.

Bree, C. R. 1867. A Visit to the Collection of British Birds made by the late J. D. Hoy, Esq., of Stoke-by-Nayland. Field 30: 385.

Bree, C. R. 1867. A Visit to the Collection of British Birds made by the late J. D. Hoy, Esq., of Stoke-by-Nayland. Field 30: 465-466.

Bree, C. R. 1867. A Visit to the Collection of British Birds made by the late J. D. Hoy, Esq., of Stoke-by-Nayland. Field 30: 504.

Bree, C. R. 1868. Capture of an Egyptian Vulture near Colchester. Field 32: 302.

Bree, C. R. 1868. Capture of Egyptian Vulture. Field 32: 318.

Bree, C. R. 1869. Capture of a Sea or White-tailed Eagle in Suffolk. Field 33: 9.

Bree, C. R. 1869. White-tailed Eagle in Suffolk. Zoologist (2nd series) 4: 1558-1559.

Bree, C. R. 1870. Rare Birds captured near Colchester. Field 35: 408.

Bree, C. R. 1870. The Red-eyed Flycatcher. Field 35: 417.

Bree, C. R. 1870. Anthus ludovicianus v. Anthus rufescens? Zoologist (2nd series) 5: 2100-2102.

Bree, C. R. 1871. The Alpine Swift. Field 37: 488.

Bree, C. R. 1873. Capture of the Orange-legged Hobby in Essex. Field 41: 545.

Bree, C. R. 1873. Orangelegged Hobby, etc. Zoologist (2nd series) 8: 3688.

Bree, C. R. 1875. A new Grey Shrike in Essex. Field 46: 543.

Bree, C. R. 1875. New British Bird. Zoologist (2nd series) 1: 4721.

Bree, C. R. 1876. Tropic Bird. Zoologist (2nd series) 11: 4803.

Bree, C. R. 1877. Golden Eagle in Essex. Field 49: 356.

Bree, C. R. 1878. Occurrence of the Purple Martin at Colchester. Field 52: 446.

Bree, C. R. 1878. Purple Gallinule in Essex. Field 52: 619.

Bree, C. R. 1878. The Spine-tailed Swift (Chaetura caudacuta). Field 52: 667.

Bree, C. R. 1878. Spine-tailed Swift. Field 52: 701.

Bree, C. R. 1878. Purple Gallinules. Field 52: 784.

Bree, C. R. 1878. Rose-coloured Pastor. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 14: 215.

Bree, C. R. 1879. The Purple Gallinule. Field 53: 15.

Bree, C. R. 1879. Gallinago major. Field 54: 342.

Bree, C. R. 1879. Gallinago major in Essex. Field 54: 395.

Bree, C. R. 1881. Birds taken in the neighbourhood of Colchester during the winter of 1880-81. Field 57: 546.

Bree, C. R. 1881. Birds, etc., taken near Colchester. Field 57: 612.

Bree, C. R. 1882. Solitary Snipe in Essex. Field 59: 13.

Bremner, R. 1963. Red-footed Falcon In Orkney. Scottish Birds 2: 422.

Brett, A. 1995. The Chestnut-sided Warbler in Devon. Birding World 8 (10): 391.

Brewer, A. D. 1972. The ageing of the Veery in Cornwall. British Birds 65: 359.

Brewer, A. D. 1990. Ageing of White-throated Sparrow. British Birds 83: 289-291.

Brewster, P. 1996. Arctic Redpoll at Shell Carrington Nature Reserve, 3rd April. Greater Manchester Bird Report 21: 112-113.

Brichetti, P. & Foschi, U. F. 1987. The Lesser Crested Tern in the Western Palearctic and Europe. British Birds 80: 276-280.

Bridgman, S. 2007. The Blue Rock Thrush in mid Wales. Birding World 20 (4): 149.

Bridgman, S. 2008. Blue Rock Thrush - in the Elan Valley. Welsh Birds 5: 355.

Briggs, A. 1893. Bird notes from North Ronaldshay. Annals of Scottish Natural History 2: 67-79.

Briggs, A. 1894. Some further bird notes from North Ronaldshay. Annals of Scottish Natural History 3: 82-87.

Briggs, A. 1895. White-winged Crossbill in Orkney. Annals of Scottish Natural History 4: 54.

Briggs, A. 1897. Bird Notes from North Ronaldshay, Orkney. Annals of Scottish Natural History 6: 153-160.

Briggs, C. A. 1895. Supposed Breeding of the Crested Lark in Kent. Zoologist (3rd series) 19: 451-452.

Briggs, J. J. 1848. Rare Birds in Derbyshire. Zoologist (1st series) 6: 1966.

Briggs, J. J. 1849. The Birds of Melbourne. Zoologist (1st series) 7: 2475-2493, 2559-2565.

Briggs, J. J. 1850. The Birds of Melbourne. Zoologist (1st series) 8: 2793-2796, 2949-2951.

Briggs, J. J. 1854. Occurrence of the Rose-coloured Pastor in Derbyshire. Zoologist (1st series) 12: 4511.

Briggs, J. J. 1869. Rose-coloured Pastor. Field 34: 139.

Briggs, J. J. 1869. Supposed occurrence of the Passenger Pigeon in Derbyshire. Field 34: 216.

Briggs, J. J. 1870. The Red-eyed Flycatcher in Derbyshire. Field 35: 407-408.

Briggs, J. J. 1870. The Red-eyed Flycatcher. Field 35: 433.

Briggs, T. H. 1908. Cypselus melba at Lynmouth, North Devon. Zoologist (4th series) 12: 269.

Brind, F. 1888. White Stork at Yarmouth. Field 72: 316.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1918. List Committee: First Report. Ibis 60: 234-243.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1921. List Committee: Second Report. Ibis 63: 310-316.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1923. List Committee: Third Report. Ibis 65: 424-435.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1924. List Committee: Fourth Report. Ibis 66: 152-158.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1927. List Committee: Fifth Report. Ibis 69: 310-313.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1928. List Committee: Sixth Report. Ibis 70: 320-322.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1930. List Committee: Seventh Report. Ibis 72: 244-247.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1932. List Committee: Eighth Report. Ibis 74: 94-100.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1933. List Committee: Ninth Report. Ibis 75: 343-351.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1934. List Committee: Tenth Report. Ibis 76: 632-638.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1937. List Committee: Eleventh Report. Ibis 79: 396-402.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1938. List Committee: Twelfth Report. Ibis 80: 136-143.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1938. List Committee: Thirteenth Report. Ibis 80: 331-333.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1939. List Committee: Fourteenth Report. Ibis 81: 137-139.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1939. List Committee: Fifteenth Report. Ibis 81: 521-522.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1944. List Committee: Sixteenth Report. Ibis 86: 87-91.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1946. List Committee: Seventeenth Report. Ibis 88: 533-534.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1947. List Committee: Eighteenth Report. Ibis 89: 353-355.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1948. List Committee: Nineteenth Report. Ibis 90: 319-322, 631.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1949. List Committee: Twentieth Report. Ibis 91: 508-513.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1950. List Committee: Twenty-first Report. Ibis 92: 132-141.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1950. List Committee: Twenty-second Report. Ibis 92: 639-640.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1951. List Committee: Twenty-third Report. Ibis 93: 297-299.

British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee. 1956. Records Committee: First Report. Ibis 98: 154-168.

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