Adding new species
Open site with which allows you to Edit.
Select Website in LH pane, scroll to Not Linked header and click under Species - BBRC.
Click Blog Content in LH pane.
Be aware of where the new species sits in the bird order by scrolling down to its position and note the date of the species above where you are going to insert as this is controlled by the blogs’ publishing date.
Click on a species and select Duplicate, click Edit in top left and add species name etc.
Adding Family box and thumbnails on blog page
Firstly, add a Text box by clicking on + on the above box where you want the new family box to go and select text. Add text, then click on + at the bottom of the text box, select Summary, under Design tab change Wall to Grid, Aspect Ratio 1:1, TEXT to S, turn Excerpt OFF. Size and Spacing to be 100 px and 10 px. Under Content tab, Select a Page, choose a group, then click PRIMARY METADATA and change Date Posted to None, then click Filter Items and add in Category and Tag.
Select Species template, then click on gear wheel, scroll down in sub-box, and select DUPLICATE PAGE, CONFIRM to add new species, on the left enter new name, so that Species template remains as was.
At top left click EDIT and start overwriting previous text.
Changing photo: Click on picture image twice, at top left click on pencil, in the sub-box REMOVE IMAGE, click on ADD IMAGE and select the correct one. Add credit underneath photo.
Add records to relevant section (Records; 1950-57 records; Not proven).
When done click DONE at top left and Save.
Start process again.
Select Summary and change to Grid; 1: square; Excerpt off; Photo size is 100 px x 10 px; add family and page tab.
Section Height is S
Content Width is L
Content Alignment is middle arrows
Click Colors tab and select (Aa Light minimal) to grey the page.
01.Unlock your domain by following your current provider’s instructions.
02.Get the authorization code from your provider. This may be referred to as an EPP code or transfer key.
03.Start the transfer by entering your domain in the domain field.
04.Authorize the transfer by entering your authorization code.
05.Check out and pay. Keep the time remaining on your current registration, plus an additional year.
How do I add a contributor to squarespace?
To add a contributor to your site, click on Permissions:
Click the Invite Contributor button. The Invite Contributor dialog box appears.
Provide the name and e-mail address. ...
Select the permission(s) you want to assign to the contributor. ...Select Content Editor.
Click the Send Invite button.
1000 pages but 400 is recommended.
Pages are limited to content. Yellow warning comes up when too large.
Header Photo
On clicking on Add Section select second picture down on left, remove that and add Scillies header.
Only use .png .jpg .gif
Size 12cm x 7cm
Add a Portfolio Page
To add a Portfolio Page:
In the Home Menu, click Pages, then click + next to the navigation section where you want to add the page.
In the menu, click Portfolio and choose a layout. You can change this later.
Enter a page title and press Enter.
Click Edit, then click the pencil icon to style the section.
Click + to add a sub-page or click an existing sub-page, then click Edit to add your own content.
Add and edit more sub-pages until your Portfolio Page is complete.
Portfolio Page layouts
Choose one of the following Portfolio Page layouts:
Grid: Simple - Arranges the thumbnail images in a grid layout. Title text for each sub-page appears below the images.
Grid: Overlay - Arranges the thumbnail images in a grid layout. Title text for each sub-page overlays the images.
Hover: Background - Displays the sub-page titles in a stacked or inline layout. When hovering over a title, the sub-page thumbnail replaces the section background.
Hover: Fixed - Displays the sub-page titles in a stacked or inline layout. When hovering over a title, the sub-page thumbnail displays smaller in a fixed position in the section.
Hover: Follow Cursor - Displays the sub-page titles in a stacked or inline layout. When hovering over a title, the sub-page thumbnail displays smaller and follows the cursor as it moves.
To change the layout:
Click Edit on the Portfolio Page.
Hover over the portfolio section and click the pencil icon.
Under the Format tab, click Layout and click the layout you want.
Hover over Done and click Save.
Most mobile devices don't support hover effects, so your visitors' experience may vary depending on what device they use to visit your site.
Style the portfolio section
To style the portfolio section of your Portfolio Page:
Click Edit on the Portfolio Page.
Hover over the portfolio section and click the pencil icon.
Under the Format tab, change the layout or make style changes to the current layout, like spacing, image aspect ratio, and hover effects.
Click the Background tab to add a background image or video.
Click the Colors tab to choose a color theme. Changes in this section override global styles in the Design panel of your site.
Hover over Done and click Save.
These changes affect all Portfolio Pages using the same layout.
On Hover style layouts using inline links, you can choose to have "delimiters" or punctuation to help visually separate the sub-page links.
To select or hide the delimiters:
Click Edit on the Portfolio Page.
Hover over the portfolio section and click the pencil icon.
Under the Format tab, scroll down to Delimiters. This option only displays if Link Format is set to Inline.
Click Delimiters, then click one of the options, or click None to hide them.
Hover over Done and click Save.
Add a sub-page
Sub-pages are where you'll add the content for your portfolio. Sub-pages display as thumbnail images or links on your Portfolio Page, which visitors click to open the sub-pages.
Use sub-pages to organize your work or projects. For example, if you're a photographer, you can use sub-pages to categorize your images. If you're a graphic designer, you can use sub-pages to showcase work you've done for different clients.
To add a sub-page:
In the Pages panel, click your Portfolio Page, then click +.
Click Blank or choose a layout.
In the General tab of project settings, add a thumbnail image and title. You can also edit the URL slug.
Click SEO to add an SEO title and SEO description.
Click Social to add an alternate social sharing image.
Click Save to create the sub-page.
Click Edit on the sub-page to add sections and blocks.
Click Save to publish your changes.
Keep in mind:
You can add up to 40 sub-pages to a Portfolio Page.
It’s not currently possible to move sub-pages between Portfolio Pages.
Individual portfolio sub-pages can't be disabled or hidden from search engine results. To hide portfolio sub-pages temporarily, disable the entire Portfolio Page.
Hover layouts use a slight overlay on sub-page thumbnail images. It's not possible to increase or remove this.
Sub-page title text
Title sub-pages to give visitors a sense of the project's content. The sub-page's title text displays below its landing page thumbnail or as an overlay, depending on your layout. Clicking the title opens that sub-page. You can edit the title text in the sub-page's settings.
To style the sub-page title font:
In the Home Menu, click Design.
Click Headings.
Under Size, use the corresponding heading slider to adjust the title size.
Click Save.
The slider you use depends on your Portfolio Page layout:
Grid: Simple - Heading 4
Grid: Overlay - Heading 3
All hover layouts - Heading 1
Keep in mind, changing the size of a heading format affects all text on your site with that formatting.
To style the sub-page title color:
Click Edit on the Portfolio Page, then hover over the portfolio section and click the pencil icon.
In the Format tab, take note of the Layout type.
Click Colors, then click the pencil icon on your chosen theme.
Scroll down and find the Portfolio heading that matches your layout.
Change color using the Project Title tweak. Each portfolio layout has its own Project Title tweak.
Click Save.
Hover effects on mobile
Hover effects aren't supported on most mobile devices. To ensure that the titles appear on all devices for the Grid: Overlay layout:
Click Edit on the Portfolio Page, then hover over the portfolio section and click the pencil icon.
In the Format tab, select Before Hover from the Show Text drop-down menu.
Hover over Done and click Save.
Rearrange sub-pages
To rearrange the order of a Portfolio Page, click and drag the sub-pages in the side panel.
Edit sub-page settings
To edit General, SEO, and Social settings of sub-pages:
In the Pages panel, click your Portfolio Page.
Hover over a sub-page in the side panel.
Click ..., then click Settings.
Click Save to publish your changes.
Delete sub-pages
To delete a sub-page:
In the Pages panel, click your Portfolio Page.
Hover over a sub-page in the side panel
Click ..., click Delete, then click Confirm.
To Add Graphs: