Semipalmated Plover
Charadrius semipalmatus Bonaparte, 1825
Photo © By Félix Uribe, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Nearctic. Monotypic.
Species not admitted nationally during the period covered (BOU 1971).
0). 1916 Sussex Rye, female, shot, 8th April, now at Booth Museum, Brighton.
(T. Parkin, British Birds 10: 254; W. Ruskin Butterfield, Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 2: 247; BOURC (1918), Ibis 60: 240-241; Walpole-Bond, 1938).
[E. M. Nicholson & I. J. Ferguson-Lees, British Birds 55: 299-384 HR].
History Thomas Parkin (1917) in British Birds, Vol. X. p. 254, says: 'On April 10th, 1916, Mr. G. Bristow, taxidermist, of Silchester Road, St. Leonards, brought me in the flesh, for identification, an example of the American Semi-palmated Plover (Charadris semipalmatus), which had been shot on April 8th at Rye, Sussex. The bird was subsequently sexed as a female. The man who shot the bird thought it was an ordinary Ringed Plover, but Mr. Bristow, thinking it too large for a Little Ringed Plover and being puzzled by its semi-palmated foot, brought it to me to examine.'
Admitted nationally in their First List Report as the first for Britain (BOURC (1918) Ibis 60: 240-241).
Walpole-Bond (1938 (3): 13) adds: 'Originally in the Nichols collection, it is now in the Booth Museum, Brighton.'
Comment Hastings rarity. Not acceptable.