Booted Warbler
Iduna caligata (Lichtenstein, MHK, 1823) (1, 0)
Photo © Kris Webb - Star Castle, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, October 2022
Palearctic. Monotypic.
Record as per BOU (1971).
1). 1936 Fair Isle No locality, female, shot, 3rd September, H. c. caligata, now at National Museums of Scotland (NMSZ 1936.93.1).
(G. Stout & G. Waterston, British Birds 30: 226-227; C. H. B. Grant, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 57: 50; G. Waterston, Scottish Naturalist 57: 74-75; BOURC (1937), Ibis 79: 397; H. F. Witherby, British Birds 31: 7-8).
History G. Stout & G. Waterston (1936) in British Birds, Vol. XXX. pp. 226-227, say: 'On September 3rd, 1936, George Stout obtained on Fair Isle, a Warbler which afterwards proved to be the Booted Warbler (Hippolais caligata) a species which hitherto has never been recorded in the British Islands. This bird was obtained on a day of moderate S.E. wind, the weather on the preceding day being light east wind. It was the forerunner of a small rush of such species as Blue-headed Wagtails, a Northern Bullfinch, Bluethroats, Barred Warblers and Pied Flycatchers, which all appeared on September 4th.
This specimen which was a female, has a wing measurement of 57 mm. and a wing formula as follows: - 1st primary minute, 4.5 mm. longer than longest primary coverts; 2nd primary between 6th and 7th primaries; 3rd primary longest, being 1 mm. longer than 4th; 3rd, 4th and 5th emarginate. The bird has a white chin and throat with the breast slightly darker. Upper-parts, uniform dark fawn; the tail and cheeks are of a slightly lighter shade. Light buff edges to primaries; small patch of white just noticeable above eye. Bill and legs, very dark horn colour.
The range of this species is given by Hartert, (Vogel Pal. Fauna, Vol. I. p. 576) as follows: Breeds in eastern Russia, at least from Olonetz and Moscow to the Khirghiz Steppes, in west Siberia (Yenesei) to the Altai, Turkestan, Bokhara, Transcaspia, also in Kashmir. Winters in north and central India. We are greatly indebted to Messrs. N. B. Kinnear, H. F. Witherby and C. B. Ticehurst for independently establishing the identity of this specimen.'
C. H. B. Grant, Editor (1936) in the Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, Vol. LVII. p. 50, at the 395th Meeting of the Club held on 9th December 1936 at Pagani's Restaurant, London, says: 'Mr. George Waterston sent for exhibition an example of the Booted Warbler (Hippolais caligata), a new species to the British Isles, which was obtained on Fair Isle on September 3, 1930, by George Stout. Full particulars of this occurrence are given in British Birds, Vol. XXX. 1936, p. 226.'
G. Waterston (1937) in the Scottish Naturalist, Vol. LVII. p. 74, under 'Bird Notes from Fair Isle, 1936', says: 'Booted Warbler. A female specimen of this species new to Britain was obtained by G.S. on 3rd September 1936. It is now in the National Museums of Scotland.'
Admitted nationally in the Eleventh List Report as the first for Britain, adding that it had been examined by the Committee (BOURC (1937) Ibis 79: 397).
Admitted by H. F. Witherby (1937) in British Birds, Vol. XXXI. p. 7, as an addition to the British List.